Welcome Back! Homework and December Celebrations

Welcome Back!,
I hope everyone had a fabulous break!
This week we will be starting our Around The World activities. The food items were included in the disclosure and I have received everyone’s signature for permission for your child to participate. On Thursday, we will be enjoying Swedish Meatballs.  Next week on Friday we will enjoy pasta and sparkling cider, Monday the 12th we will have Mexican hot chocolate and on Friday the 16th we will have our class party with popcorn and donuts.
Our class party will be on Friday, December 16th from 10:00 to 11:00. We would love to have any available parents to join us!
We are starting subtraction in our math. Please complete the math sheet (over the next week and half), as math homework.


Here is the group A words:

Here are the words for groups B, C and D:

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