December STEM project and volunteer

Our December STEM project will be making our own toy from items around the house. I will be sending home some of out STEM forms for you to fill out to plan with your child. This will hopefully be fun and a great learning experience as your child teaches you about some of our STEM processes.
I am asking that, as you and your child plan their toy, you send the necessary items to school with your child so that he/she can complete this project on Wednesday, December 14th. Please don’t send items until at least Monday the 12th. I will be sending the planning forms home, with your child, on next Wednesday. There are some fun ideas on youtube and that you can google. Thank you for your help in this!!

If there are any available parents who can volunteer during STEM lab on Wednesday from 9:30 to 10:30 it would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you are available to help during this time.
Thanks so much for all you do!!
Susan Lindsey
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