ABC Countdown and rock activities

I can’t believe that we are down to 27 days of school!
In second grade we do an ABC countdown the last 26 days of school. There are a few days that we need parent help for the activity. Therefore I am posting the different activities so that you can help your child when needed. Such as, Monday, April 24th is baby picture day so your child may bring a baby picture of themselves.

The end of the year is almost here! We are going to count down the last 26 days by celebrating a letter of the alphabet each day. Participation in these extra activities will be based on student behavior in class. The countdown will start on Friday, April 22nd. Let’s make the rest of our 2nd Grade the Best Year Ever!

4/21 (Starts on Friday)

A-Art Day! We will do a fun art project in class today!


B-Baby picture day- bring a baby picture to show your friends. Please write your name on the back.

C-Critter Day- we will have Scales N Tails bringing animals to show

D-Dancing Day – We will have some fun Dance time in class.

E-Experiment day- we will do some fun experiments

F-Fun in the sun day- we will have some outside lessons


G-Game Day. We’ll play games during the day

H-Hat day. Wear a hat to school!

I-Incredible talent day. Come prepared to share a talent with the class.

J-Jump Rope Day. Participate in a jump rope challenge.

K-Kickball Day. We will play kickball with all of 2nd Grade!


L-Lounge day- we will lounge around the room during some of our activities

M-Marker Day. We can do all of our assignments in marker for the day.

N-New name day. We will all have a new name to go by today.

O- Outside activities- some extra recess time

P-Picnic day- if the weather is good, we will have our lunch outside as a picnic


Q-Quickest Day. We will have class Olympics outside.

R-Read a thon Day. Bring a book and get ready to read.

S- STEM activities- we will be doing some simple STEM activities today

T-Thankful day- we will write a thank you letter to someone

U- USA day- students with the last name A-H wear red,       I-P wear white and Q-Z wear blue shirts.


V-Video Day. We will watch a video.

W-Watercoloring day. We will paint with watercolors today.

X-Xtra Nice Day. We will do something nice for another class.

Y- yearend party. We will have class fun activities for our year end.

Z-Zip Up Your Backpacks and Zoom Home Day!

Also, we are currently working on our rock unit. We will be having chocolate chip cookies as we mine for the chocolate chips, Snickers as we cut the open to see the layers and pop rocks to see how magma pops rocks. I have signatures for these items on the disclosure so I will not need to get further permission for these activities.

Thanks so much and have a great day!
Susan Lindsey
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