Field trip to Gibson’s Green Acres and homework

I will be sending passwords for website activities that your child may do at home. The weekly spelling words are on spelling city so you can see what those are. It would be great if your child can do about 20 minutes a week on spelling city and 15 to 20 minutes a week on Prodigy for math practice. This is not required but would benefit your child and give you a way to keep them busy 🙂

We will be going on a field trip to Gibson’s Green Acres Farm on Friday, September 29th. We will be leaving at 10:00 and returning at 1:00. It is a $1 dress down and since we will be walking through a corn maze and dairy farm please ensure that your child wears good walking shoes.
We can have 5 parent chaperones. The first ones to sign up will be accepted and I will let you know who will be able to go.
We are asking for a $5 donation from each student to help with the cost of the field trip. Please pay that at the office.
Just click on the link to give your permission for your child to attend.

field trip permission
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