Reading challenge

Second grade will be participating in a reading challenge.  Students will earn food items to build an ice cream sundae based on reading minutes. The more minutes read = the bigger ice cream sundae.

*The contest starts on Monday, September 25, 2017.
*The contest ends on Sunday, October 29, 2017.
*The ice cream sundae party will be held on Tuesday, October 31, 2017
*Reading minutes need to be turned in weekly, on Mondays.
*Use the reading logs, which will come home with your student on Monday.
*Reading logs need to be signed by parents to be valid.
*Parents will need to give permission for students to eat the food items.
  Click here: Parent Food Permission Form
*The break down of reading minutes and earned ice cream is below. 
Screen Shot 2017-09-22 at 3.19.35 PM
This contest is possible because of a generous donation from Chelsea Bonney at Farm Bureau Financial Services. Thank you Chelsea for sponsoring this fun reading challenge for Second Grade!

If you lose your reading log, print a new one here:
Reading Log

Happy Reading Second Graders!!!

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