Valentine party

We will be having our class Valentine party on Wednesday, Feb. 14 from 12:00 to 1:15. We have 16 boys and 9 girls in our class. Please have your child bring Valentines that do not have individual names on them. It takes forever to hand them out when they are individualized.
We will play some games and decorate sugar cookies. I have everyone’s signatures for cookies from the disclosure. Please notify me if this has changed since August.
We will make Valentine bags, here at school, so they will not need to be brought from home.
The following parents signed up to help with the party. Please let me know if you are now unable to come.
Christy Olson
Debbie Ernest
Kourtney Becraft
Belinda Gonzalez
Danica Smith
Don’t forget to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences! The sign up can be found on a previous post!

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