Second grade spring service project

Hello Parents!,
We are required to participate in 2 service projects each school year. For the spring, we have decided to write letters and send a care package to a group of Airmen at Shepherd Air Base in Wichita Falls, Texas.
We will have the students write letters to the Service Men and we are asking that you send treats and/or word search or crossword type books. Please send these to school by Wednesday, April 18th so that I can send them on Friday the 20th. Anything would be appreciated! It would also be fun if your child has some kind of fun craft that they like to make at home, to send.
This is a requirement for our STEM endorsement so we really appreciate any and all help that we can get!
Thank you so much!
Susan Lindsey
Screen Shot 2018-04-13 at 7.57.40 AM
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