Dress Down and ABC Countdown

Tomorrow, Friday, April 27th is $1 dress down.

Next week’s ABC countdown:
Monday is G for game day. The students may bring a board or electronic game that they already know how to play. Please, no bae blades!!
Tuesday is H for Hat Day. They may wear a hat.
Wednesday is I for Invention Day. They can draw up plans for a new invention.
Thursday is J for Jump Rope Day. We will be having jump rope activities.
Friday is K for Kickball Day. We will have kickball tournaments with the other second grade classes.
Because of our activities, our spelling test will be on a day that is available. This is the last ‘official’ group of words so they may not be taking the test until next Friday or even Monday. Please continue to go over their words nightly.
Thanks so much for your help!
Susan Lindsey
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