Great Week!

We have had a wonderful first week of second grade! This class is so compassionate and willing to learn! Thank you for sharing your amazing children with me!
We received our new math books and there are assignments 4 or 5 days a week to send home as homework.
  Please look over these papers each night and complete them with your student, when you can. It is a concept that I will have taught them each day. These do not have to be returned to school.
I will send a reading calendar home next week. Please have your child color in an apple, each day that they read, and return it at the end of the month. They will get to pick out of the prize box when these are returned. You can read any books with them as long as they can read the words and understand what they are reading.
I appreciate all of the wonderful supplies that I have received from you! We will make it through the entire school year! 🙂
Thanks so much for the great start to a new school year!
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