Canned Food Drive

Bugs Bunny said it best. We need your help!
We are doing a canned food drive.  This drive is not only to help provide food for those in need in our community, but also to help raise money for Quest.  We compete with local educators in collecting food for the Besst Realty 7th annual food drive.  The school that raises the most food for the local food bank will receive:
1st : $5000
2nd: $4000
3rd : $3000
4th-6th : $1,500
11th & up: $500
We have been fortunate enough over the last few years to obtain a $5000 prize. This money goes right back to our kids and our programs. YEAH!
To help get kids excited, we need to talk about it and get them in the giving mood.  
The grade that collects the most donations will be treated to an activity with DART SIDE. The Elementary School will win an activity and the Jr. High will win an activity.
The competition will be between K – 5th graders for the elementary and 6th through 9th grade for the Jr High School.
We can do this. Let’s go collect those cans.
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