Category Archives: Love, Mrs. Lindsey

STEM and Christmas activities

Hello!,On Wednesday the students will be making their homemade Christmas toys. Hopefully you have helped your child with his/her plans for their project. Please send any necessary items (I will have glue and tape) with your child by Wednesday. Today … Continue reading

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December STEM project and volunteer

Hello!Our December STEM project will be making our own toy from items around the house. I will be sending home some of out STEM forms for you to fill out to plan with your child. This will hopefully be fun … Continue reading

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Welcome Back! Homework and December Celebrations

Welcome Back!,I hope everyone had a fabulous break!This week we will be starting our Around The World activities. The food items were included in the disclosure and I have received everyone’s signature for permission for your child to participate. On … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving!! November STEM project

Tomorrow is $1 dress down day and school is out at 1:00.Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!This photo slideshow created with Smilebox

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Copy and paste this url for the library challenge and to enter your child’s reading hours

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Thank You Veterans!!!! and thank you, Sargeant Josh, for sharing your experiences!

2016-11-11-10-41-40            2016-11-11-12-30-18

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Word study and math sheet for November 7 to 18

Here are the words and math sheet for homework:Group A:1-4Groups B, C and D:1-6-sheet1Math sheet:addition_3digit_2digit_002

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Holiday Baskets and food drive

Click on the link below to see information on items for our class gift basket:holiday-baskets-flyer-for-parents2We are collecting cans for Besst Realty Food Drive. The schools that bring in the most items will be receiving money from the realty company. If … Continue reading

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Please do a nightly check for head lice!

HEAD LICE:FOCUS ON FACTS, NOT MYTHSYour guide to knowing the facts about head lice, and some tips to help prevent the spread of head liceHead lice are unwelcome visitors with the potential to turn your whole household upside down. But … Continue reading

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Word Study and math page for October 24 to November 4 & Halloween

Welcome Back!, I hope everyone had a great and eventful Fall Break! We are now in to the 2nd quarter of school! We will be  having our Halloween Party and dress up on this coming Friday the 28th. It is a … Continue reading

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