November 4-8

How can it be NOVEMBER?! Time has flown by this year and we are well into the swing of things.  I am so thankful that I get to spend my days with these incredible kids. Each one of them is a unique and special part of our class. I just cannot imagine our class without any one of them.  Thank you for sharing them with me each day!!!

Monday, 11/4 – Library, Book Fair Starts (and runs all week)
Tuesday, 11/5 –  Parent Teacher Conferences
                                   Morning with Mom from 8:00 – 8:30 in the Q1 gym (Flyer below)
Wednesday, 11/6 – STEM
Thursday, 11/7  – Coding 
                                    Parent Teacher Conferences

                                    Morning with Mom from 8:00 – 8:30 in the Q1 gym (Flyer below)
Friday, 11/8 – Paisley’s Birthday!!
                Spirit Day, Early Out @ 1:00, Last day for Book Fair
 Mornings with Mom
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We will start lessons 9 and 10 this week.  First, we will use place value to multiply and then we will move onto understanding the meaning of division.  
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In Unit 2 Week 4, our comprehension strategy is rereading to help us understand a text better.  The expository texts we are reading this week are “Whooping Cranes in Danger,” and “Kids to the Rescue!”.   While reading, we are going to be using details in the text to determine the author’s point of view.

Three Letter Blends: -spr, -str, -squ, -thr

-success     -caretakers     -population     -recognized     -relatives     -resources     -survived     -threatened
In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!

Each month students are required to memorize at least one poem.  Below are the month’s poems.  We only read through these in class once, so they need to be practiced at home.  Students can pass off poems on Fridays whenever they are ready to recite them. 
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  • Remember to read at least 20 minutes per day!
  • REFLEX- at least 3 green lights per week!

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