April 13-17

WE MADE IT!!! I want to thank you for all that you have done and for all of your support. I admire all the parents that are doing what they can to help their child. I appreciate everyone sticking with our class and being patient as we all learn together on this e-learning journey. 

****Students will be using the GREEN CLOCKS that were sent home in the student packet.  Please help them put this together.  Cut the clock out and attach the 2 hands with the brad that was sent home.  
****BABY PICTURES!!!  Parents, I am doing an activity this Thursday with student’s baby picture.  Will you please email me a photo of your child from the ages of 1 year to 2 years old?  Thank you!!!

I want to let you know that I have made some adjustments to our learning.  The first thing that I would like to change is how we are doing our math.  With e-learning, students are struggling to really understand concepts that are being taught.  What we could get done in a week in class is a lot harder to do with e-learning.  I am going to slow down how we are doing math and make sure that students have activities to help enrich their learning. 

The second thing that I am changing is the math assignments.  I have set the assignments as I have the Wonders slides.  Students will go in the math slides every day and find the day’s work.  This is where they will enter their math work for the day and then they will submit on Friday.  I will be checking every day if work has been completed.  I am hoping that this will simplify everything that is showing up under the math tab and it will be less confusing. 

Please make sure that your child is completing their work.  You can find all of our work for the week on the Weekly Schedule (link below).  Please print these out for your child and look over it with them.  If you have any questions about anything do not hesitate to contact me.  

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