Welcome to May!
Warning: long, but very important, weekly blog post. 😉 Last Friday we kicked off our testing season with our Daze test and this week we will have our reading test. In order to help your child do their best on every test please make sure that your child gets plenty of sleep the night before. To also help your child out, the school will provide breakfast for all students. Our wonderful lunch staff will deliver breakfast every morning to our classroom. This is something extra, and hopefully fun, for your child to participate in. Your child does not need to take breakfast if they do not want it. The school also put out our testing video to get students excited to do their best on the test. Check it out below.
This week we are on the letters G, H, I, J, and K for our ABC countdown. I will post what we are doing if it involves something that students need to prepare for at home.
On Thursday, May 13th, the third graders will be celebrating their success with learning their multiplication facts. In order to do this, we need help from you. Please take a look at the list of items that the third grade classes will need and please sign up for anything that you can help out with. Items will need to be dropped off at the school on the day of the activity.   We are also looking for volunteers to help serve. We will be holding our party from 1:30-3:00. If you can volunteer please let me know. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080D4DADAB2CABF58-multiplication1
Below is what we will be working on for the week. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Important Dates:
- Monday, 5/3 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATELYNN!!! Library
- Tuesday, 5/4  – Hat Day & Star Wars Shirt Day (Students may wear a Star Wars Shirt instead of a uniform shirt. Uniform pants must be worn.)
- Wednesday, 5/5 – Library
- Thursday, 5/6 – Coding/Keyboarding
- Friday, 5/7 – Early Out!
- May 3 – 7 – Dibels Testing – A great way to prepare for this end-of-year reading test is to make sure that your child is reading out loud every night for 20 minutes.
- May 10 – 14 – RISE Reading Test @ 10:05
- May 13th – Multiplication Ice Cream Party @ 2:00
- May 17 – 21 – RISE Math Test @ 8:50
- May 27th – Field Day – A permission form and more information to come.
- May 28th – Last Day of School!
Math –We will be working on area & perimeter for the next couple of weeks. We will be using Twizzlers Pull and Peel for our perimeter lesson. At the beginning of the year, all parents signed a food permission form, and Twizzlers are on that list. I know that dietary needs change, so please let me know if your child CANNOT have the licorice. Below is the family letter from our math workbook that explains what we will be working on. On the second page of the letter, there is an activity to help students with what we are working on. You are not required to do the activity, it is just a suggestion if you would like your child to practice at home. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE ARE DONE WITH MULTIPLICATION. MANY STUDENTS ARE STILL WORKING ON MEMORIZING THEIR FACTS. While we work on our multiplication facts in class, it is so important that students practice their facts at home. 3rd graders are required to pass of their 0-10 facts before they move onto 4th grade.
ELA – We have finished up our Wonders Unit. We will now be reviewing everything that we have learned this year.