Google Slides!

I have students who have been logging in at home and working on their google slides! That is completely fine with me! For those that want to but do not know the log in information, here it is! 

Go to Google slides on the links to the left side of this page, under research resources. 
Sign in with your email:
Password: first initial last initial 3 numbers rams
EXAMPLE:  fl123rams
*students should know their three numbers. It is the same as their login on the computers. 
Students should have the following done in order: 
  • All information typed including at least 10 slides (these slides and their information has been done in class on a packet.)
  • Theme
  • Pictures
  • Transitions to slides, images, and words
** this can be done on an ipad or tablet if you download the google slides app. BUT there are more features on the computer Chrome browser. 

Star Students

Photo Jan 31, 9 22 38 AM
Hi I’m Jessica! My favorite part of being star student was getting to be in front of the line and getting to bring a stuffed animal.

Photo Feb 13, 9 02 49 AM Photo Feb 13, 12 46 49 PMHi, I am Jaxton! My favorite part of being star student was I got to share my book in front of the class! 

Photo Feb 27, 9 10 12 AM Hi I am Keira, my favorite part of being star student was I got to share my pictures and I got to tell the class about what I do. 

IMG_0806 IMG_0813 Hi, I am Conner. My favorite part of being star student was being in the front of the line and sharing my stuffed animals. I also liked reading my book by myself. 

IMG_0840 IMG_0845 Hi, I am Taylie! My favorite part of being star student was reading my book and the class guessing what the word was after the sentence was done. 

IMG_0857 Hi I am Owen! My favorite part of being star student was being the line leader. 

IMG_0878IMG_0883 Hi I’m Taden! My favorite part of star student was showing my pictures and my football. I also loved being in the front of the line for the week.  

IMG_1034 Hi I am Payton E. My favorite part of being Star student was sharing my poster!

Read-a-thon on Thursday!

booksThe class has been working hard and earned a READ-A-THON in our class on Thursday! Students are permitted to bring a SMALL pillow and/or SMALL blanket. This blanket or pillow must be small enough to fit in their backpack! 
Anything bigger please keep at home. 
*School policy also requires students do not bring treats or food. 

As a side note, Thursday is also the last day for students to turn in any fix and returns for 3rd term. Please have any of those completed and turned in no later than Thursday. 

Volunteer hours

I have a bunch of stuff I had laminated that I need cut.

I know some people were looking for some hours.
The first person to come in and get it I will send it home with or you are welcome to do it here. I will try to repost if it has been taken! 
We also are in need of white board markers. We are almost done with the year and the students markers seem to all be going out at once. Talk with your student about what they need. If anyone is willing to donate some to the class that would be great too! 
Thanks for all you do parents! 