
We have new sorts! The students are excelling in their spelling! 
We are now in a new book! So the words are little harder. 
Also, Math homework is on Front Row assigment #26 and Prodigy!
Don’t forget your reading. Students are welcome to go to Raz-kids to get their reading done! It is a great place for them to work on comprehension skills!


TOMORROW we are doing a show and tell! The students have earned it as a reward. There are just a few guidelines I would like students to follow. 
1. Only bring items that are okay’d by parents. 
2. Items should be small enough to fit into backpack. 
3. Items stay in backpack until show and tell and return back to backpack after show and tell. 

We have discussed these rules together as a class, so students are aware. 

I am excited to see what they bring! 



Yoga, small movement, and meditation club

  Second grade will be starting a yoga/meditation/small movement club on Tuesday, January 10th. The club will be on Tuesdays for the month of January from 3:10 to 3:40.
It will be on a first come, first serve basis. The first 20 students to sign up will be admitted to the club at this time. Those in the club will be allowed to bring comfortable clothing to change in to for the club.
Second grade teachers