Valentines Party

imagesOur Valentines Party will be on February 12th from 1:40-3:00. 
Students may bring Valentines that DO NOT have food! No treats, this is school policy. The valentines may include stickers, pencils, or non-food items. 
We have 26 students, please bring enough to share with all, to ensure no hurt feelings. 

6a0134882a3940970c01a3fcb72fc9970b-800wiStudents will make Valentines boxes in class February 11th.
Please have your students bring shoe boxes, tissue boxes, or any other supplies they would like to build their valentines boxes with. I will have coloring supplies, paper, etc. 
If you have extra shoe boxes that other students could use that forget to bring one that would help me a lot! 

Movie Night Basket

large40-261x300We get to create a basket to auction off at the Quest Gala in March. Second grade has chosen to do a themed basket called “Movie Night”. This basket will be assembled with donations from the families of second grade students. We need your donations in order to fill the basket! It can be things like movies, candy, popcorn, soda, movie tickets, etc. Be creative and start bringing items in to donate! We really appreciate your help with this! Start bringing stuff in now!