Field trip

Just a reminder that we need 5$ for each student to go on the field trip. As of now I only have 3 parents that have paid. Please come in and turn in by Friday. This money helps us to go on more field trips! 

**Also if you haven’t filled out the permission slip please do by friday. I must put in the lunch order so I need all to fill out. 
click here for form

Mrs. Woodrow 


Modays: Math paper (Story Problems)
Tuesdays: 15+minutes prodigy! 
Wednesdays: math paper (repeated addition)
Thursday: math paper (arrays)

 **Nightly reading minutes submited! 
I am having a lot of kids do their math, but not submit their minutes! 
Please parents have student submit these! It is part of second grade technology standards that they can use google forms!


Field Trip

I have contacted all the parents that were first on my list to respond to be a chaperone! If some parents do not respond then, I will ask the next people in line. If you didn’t get to do it this time, we do another in the spring and you may have a chance then. 

Thanks for all the willingness to help out! 
Mrs. Woodrow

Green Acre Farm Field Trip

Grenn acresParents,

   I will need your permission for your student to attend the field trip to Gibson Green Acres, scheduled for Friday, September 29th.
Please give your permission by clicking on the link below and completing the online form.
Permission Form
We are also asking for a $5 donation from each family, to help cover the costs of the field trip. The $5 donation can be made at the Q1 office.
I will need 5 parent volunteers to help chaperone our field trip. Parent volunteers will meet us at Gibson Green Acres.
The address is:
449 S. 4700 W.
Ogden, UT 84404 801-940-6339
Things to remember for the field trip:
*All lunches need to be in a disposable paper/plastic sack.
*All lunches must not require heating as no microwaves will be available.
*Water bottle
*Write your student’s name on their sack lunch and water bottle.
*Sturdy footwear for walking through fields
*Put sunscreen on your students that morning.
*Red Uniform shirts need to be worn 


Students and Parents, 

Monday is fluency practice worksheet. 
Tuesday and Wednesday math homework will be Prodigy! 
Thursday night will be a worksheet! 

**Also don’t forget to submit your reading minutes.

P.S. I have fixed the organization ID to connect for the cookies! They sent us the wrong one! So the new ID posted in the previous post should work now! 🙂 Sorry for the inconvenience!

Cookie Fundraiser!

Screen Shot 2017-09-08 at 2.24.14 PMWe are selling Cookie Dough to help fund awesome things for our awesome students! Proceeds from the cookie dough will help to fund school activities like clubs, sports, field day, field trips, library books, and more.
Here are some things to know:
The fundraiser sale begins TODAY.
Orders are due back by Sept 18
Make checks to POQA
Cookie dough orders will arrive Oct 6 at the school
**Please send me how many your student has sold as you sell them, so that I can keep a running total to motivate the kids! 

Online sales also count and they are an easy way to invite family and friends to place orders.


Prodigy is an awesome site that I use for homework sometimes, but mostly for classroom practice. It is an awesome online game that incorporates math from a 2nd grade level and is set to questions that we are learning in class. 

The information for students log in is at the top. Select the homework tab, then click on Math Log in information. There it will tell your students username and password to get into it. You may find the link in many places. To the left hand side of the screen where all of the links are, on the Math Log in info. page, or at

Great Job Parents and students!

First week of math homework is down! There is no homeowork assigned on weekends. So have a great one! Thank you to those who did their homework and turned them all in! Many students got to play homeworkopoly today! 

We will be starting submitting reading minutes on Monday After school. I will train student monday morning how to submit their minutes! 


Mrs. Woodrow