Homework tonight

I have sent home a homework sheet in their folders. Please have students do the back of the page and turn in tomorrow. 
Also, I have not trained students on submitting reading minute yet! So do not worry about submitting your 20 minutes tonight. We should have access to computers soon! 

Thank you, 

Lamination Cut

Parents! I know I had some parents tell me at back to school night that they would like to do take home things, like cutting. I have a large stack of things I need cut that would be awesome to have a couple people help out with. Let me know if this is something that interests you for volunteer hours. 

Mrs. Woodrow 

Some Quick Memos

There will be no homework for the first week of school! 
Homework folders will begin coming home tomorrow with only some flyers or papers from activities in class. 

If you haven’t signed up for class dojo yet, please do! The kids have been earning points today and I am sure would love to share with you! In order for me to keep up on their points exchanged for sand dollars, I will reset their points at the end of the day back to zero but you should still see everything that your child earned that day.

I noticed some students were missing supplies! Please email me if you have concerns, I would love to help out in anyway! 

We had a really great day today! I am excited to see you all tomorrow! 

Mrs. Woodrow 


V-Video Day (We will watch a video)
W-Water Color Day, (we will paint with watercolors)
X-Xtra Nice Day (We will do something nice for another class)
Y- Yearend party (Field Day)
Z- Zip up your backpacks and ZOOM home! 

*** We are also earning PAJAMA DAY for FRIDAY!! I WILL POST THURSDAY NIGHT IF WE DO or earlier! 


Hey Parents! 
I am in need a helper to come take down all the bulletin board stuff in our hall and three hole punch them, so students can put them in their binder. Anyone who needs some more time, just email me and let me know. I would need it done by Wednesday morning to send home that day. Anytime before then works for me! 



Books sent home!

I am sending home some materials that will be great for summer! 
1st is their math workbook from the year. 
There are left over worksheets from the last few months in school that will be beneficial to practice over the summer!

2nd is a Language arts reading book! 
This is a material we are not using at quest but is still very beneficial! This book has smaller books and comprehension questions that align with second grade! These will be awesome to work on over the summer to stay ready! 

I have some a teaching manual that goes with the textbook. Look over the textbook. If your a go getter and think you might use it and teach your kiddo over the summer! I would love to give these to you. Otherwise they will visit the garbage. 
** also I have extra of the student book if you would like another copy. 
Please email me asap if you feel you will use them. I will just do first come first serve. 
