Our program we were using for subscribing is not working anymore! Please go to Our class blog and subscribe again with the new program we are using. It is in the corner of my blog! all you have to do is put your email in the box and click subscribe!
Here are the times I have available for Thursday September 29th. 4:00 4:30 Please email me a couple times you would like to meet. I’ll do my best to get everyone in I can!
Parents and Students! We are going to be talking about our ancestors! I have invited all students to bring an artifact to share with the class that will tell us about their family history. We will share these at the end of the day and students have been told to keep those items in their backpack until we discuss the topic. This can be just a picture of an ancestor or an artifact from one. *If items are of high value, you may email me a picture, or have the student bring a picture of the item so they can still share. The students may bring a picture, small item, story, etc. If the item has a story to go with it, I would love for them to bring it to share. Please limit children to one item and/or one story. We wont have time for student’s to share more than that. I am so excited to learn more about our class!
I have contacted the first five that signed up for the field trip! Please email me soon with a confirmation, so that I can know if I need to invite other parents.
I still have 7 students that have not filled out the permission slip! Scroll below to find the original post on field trip.
2nd grade will be going on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch at Black Island Farms onSeptember 23rd. We will be leaving the school between 9:00 and 9:30 and returning by 1:00. Your child will need to bring a sack lunchwith their name on it (please nothing that needs to be heated up or stored in the refrigerator). We are asking for a $5 donation per child to help cover the cost of the bus and the pumpkins 🙂 Please pay the office before the day of the trip. Each classs will be allowed 5 chaperones (first 5 parents who sign the permission slip). Each parent who goes needs to pay $3.50 to the office. The first 5 parents in each class are guaranteed a spot on the hay wagon trip. Unfortunately, if there is not enough room on the wagons, the remaining parents will have to wait at the playground for the kids to return.
Unfortunately, siblings are not allowed on this field trip.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Make sure you fill out the online permission slip below.
Tonight for homework we are doing SPEED SORT. Refer to homework tab — Online E-submission Page. All instructions are posted there. Don’t forget to submit! Also Do your 20 minutes of Reading 🙂 Thanks for all you do Parents!!
1. Go to online e-submission under the homework tab. 2. Read about how to do the Tuesday Sort. Students have practiced this in my class today! 3. Click on Tuesday sort submission 4. Fill out Google Form and Submit