Note from the Librarian!

Last week during library I talked with your kiddo’s about summer reading programs & have shown them websites to log into & reading trackers to print off.The following is for Scholastic’s summer reading challenge.  The challenge is to have the most summer reading minutes logged as a school.  All the information is on the website for parents to read.
Click on student log in: 

Enter Username & password

Click on “my minutes” & start recording those minutes.


There’s even a time on the page that the kids can use to help keep a more accurate record of their minutes.  It’s pretty cool.  

Screen Shot 2018-05-08 at 8.17.12 AM

Phases of the Moon homework

We are going to be discussing phases of the moon this month as well as other space explorations. 
Homework for the month will be to fill out the image of the moon nightly! Color in the dark part of the moon for the part you don’t see. Like this: Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 2.54.00 PM
I will send home a copy of this file, but if you lose it, click on the image below to print. 
Moon Phases homework

DUE DATE: Monday, MAY 21st (last week of school)