I am having a problem with kids bringing toys, pokemon cards and fidget spinners to school. Fidget spinners are not aloud here at quest academy. My personal policy is no toys or cards aloud at school, unless given special permission by me for star student, or show and tell. Otherwise, all toys are not aloud here. If I see them, I take them and allow them to have them back at the end of the day. If I take something for a second time, keep until a parent can come pick it up.
I do this because toys are a distraction for their learning. Also, these things get lost and stolen all the time here at school. I also see problems with kids saying a student can have a pokemon card then changing their mind later and wanting it back. These are all problems we can avoid by just keeping them at home.
I would appreciate your support and help in keeping the toys, pokemon cards, and fidget spinners at home. Thank you!
In order to keep our students motivated during this Ice Cream Sundae Reading Challenge, we are adding another element to the contest. There will now be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize for the top three readers in Second Grade.
The Second Grader with the most reading minutes overall will win a drone:
The reader with the 2nd highest overall reading minutes will win a magnet science kit:
And the reader with the 3rd highest total reading minutes will win a slime Kit:
Each of these extra prizes are courtesy of Chelsea Bonney at Farm Bureau Financial Services. Thank you Mrs. Bonney for your willingness to motivate our little readers!
Please do prodigy in place of the worksheet tonight. The kids were struggling with the content from todays lesson so we are going to review it in class tomorrow. So you don’t have headache trying to figure out their homework.
Reading minutes still need to be logged on the blog along with the signed log from parents. Monday: 2.7 math sheet Tuesday: 15+ minutes prodigy Wednesday: 15+ minutes prodigy Thursday: 15+ minutes prodigy
You can also work on math facts! Print outs for those are on the homework tab under MATH LOG IN INFORMATION tab.
Here are the spelling words for those that want to work on them: SHORT O & LONG O box fox dog lock pot cone home nose poke rope side line have off took
We are doing an ice cream reading challenge! I am so excited to work with Farm Bureau financial services to pay for ice cream if the students read!! Heres how it works:
Students will read as much as they can and earn parts of an ice cream sunday!
Parents will sign a weekly count of minutes for your student.
Students will turn in their count every Monday!
Sign this permission form to allow your kids to have an ice cream sunday.
Challenge ends October 29th. Students will turn in last count on October 30th.
***WEEKLY MINUTES MUST BE SIGNED TO COUNT So… How much do you have to read to earn the whole ice cream sunday?? 440 MINUTES Heres what each part of their sunday is worth: Bowl= 20 min. Spoon= 20 min. Banana= 40 min. 1st scoop= 60 min. 1st scoop’s fudge= 40 min. 1st scoop’s cream/sprinkles= 40 min. Cherry on top= 20 min. 2nd scoop= 60 min. 2nd scoop’s fudge= 40 min. 2nd scoop’s cream/sprinkles= 40 min. 3rd scoop= 60 min. 3rd scoop’s fudge= 40 min. 3rd scoop’s cream/sprinkles= 40 min. ** If you lose the form to log minutes click below to print new one. Reading Log
I have had a few parents request to have their child’s spelling words! The school doesn’t want us to do spelling homework! But I am willing to post them, if parents want to practice with thier child.
Our sounds this week are long i and short i The test may also have words from last week with short a and long a Also, We have high frequency words and I pick two to test on. did fin pick line pipe tip mix five side hike cape made all any says
High frequency: all any goes new number other right says understands work
Just a reminder that we need 5$ for each student to go on the field trip. As of now I only have 3 parents that have paid. Please come in and turn in by Friday. This money helps us to go on more field trips!
**Also if you haven’t filled out the permission slip please do by friday. I must put in the lunch order so I need all to fill out. click here for form Thanks,
Modays: Math paper (Story Problems) Tuesdays: 15+minutes prodigy! Wednesdays: math paper (repeated addition) Thursday: math paper (arrays)
**Nightly reading minutes submited! I am having a lot of kids do their math, but not submit their minutes! Please parents have student submit these! It is part of second grade technology standards that they can use google forms!