Valentines Day

Valentines Monster Our Valentines Party will be on February 14th from 2-3:00.
Students may bring Valentines that DO NOT have food! No treats, this is school policy. The valentines may include stickers, pencils, or non-food items. We have 27 students, please bring enough to share with all, to ensure no hurt feelings.

white gift bagWe will be making our own Valentines Bags in Class on Monday. Students may bring their own sticker or accessories to add to their white paper bags that I have provided. 

Poetry Slam

Just want to remind you of our POETRY SLAM tomorrow night from 6-7 pm.
** We ask students to please dress nicely. (skirts, dresses, ties, black pants, etc.)
does not have to be in school uniform.
I also only have one parent bringing cookies. If you are willing or able we could use more!
Thanks! I can’t wait to show off our students hard work!
Mrs. Woodrow


Please look for an invitation coming home today.  We have a fun evening planned for the second grade students.  A few students from each class will perform an original piece of poetry.  Also, each student will have one of their original works on display that evening.  The event will not take any longer than an hour.  I do need a few volunteers from our class to help provide some refreshments for that night.  
When:  Thursday, Feb.  2nd
Where:  Quest Academy Elementary Gym

Please come and support your student!  They have worked so hard!!

See you there!