Halloween Party

Parents I need volunteers willing to bring a group activity to do with the kids. I would like to have at least three activities and have the kids rotate around the room to the different ones! Please email me at twoodrow@questac.org  IF this is something you would be interested in. 
We will be hosting the party on Friday October 28th from 12-1pm 



Homework this week

Due to the short week! I am testing the kiddos and we have no spelling sorts for the week. The only thing I ask is to do the 20 minutes of reading! *reminder that this may be done on Raz-kids, Epic, or a physical book. 
Kids were asking if they could do prodigy. That is completely fine with me! They are also welcome to do Math facts on Front row or the print out forms on the math information tab under homework —>this is not required though! 




Field Trip Reminder!

Black Island Farms field trip is MONDAY October 10th. 

Please make sure your student brings 
SHOES that may get dirty/muddy
LUNCHES (unless asked for school sack lunch)
*nothing that needs to be heated. 
Parent volunteers please meet at in class at 8:45 so I can get you paired up with your group. 
Other Parents that are wanting to come, you must pay in the office and meet us at the field trip. Also, you may not be able to join us on the hayride due to minimum seating. 

THANKS! Can’t wait! 