Field Trip Chaperones

This information is for the parents who will be attending and assisting during the field trip on Friday. 

During Your Visit:

  •  Teachers/chaperones will actively supervise their students throughout the field trip. Our staff and interpreters depend on adult supervisors to help the students maintain a respectful learning atmosphere where everyone can have fun.

  •  If there multiple adults/parents per group, we ask that you respect the historical interpreters and refrain from personal conversations, either in person or on cell phone, as the educational program is presented.

  • Remind chaperones that the program is specifically designed for the students. Students need to be given the first opportunity to answer questions and participate in the activities.

  • Our animals are friendly and like to be petted, but please do not allow your students to chase them!

  • An adult must accompany any student who needs to leave the group for any reason. 

  • Parents have been asked to pay for both their child and themselves, each entry costs $4. So if both parent and child are going, it will be a total of $8.
  • Chaperones are also not allowed to ride the bus, therefore we need all chaperones to either meet us at the school at 10:00 AM and follow the bus in their cars, or meet us at our first stop, which will be at Willow Park. The address to Willow Park is 419 W 700 S. Logan, UT 84323.
  1. Jennifer Johnson
  2. Jessica Robinson
  3. Natalie Galt
  4. Karen Willis
  5. Sheila Ballard
  6. Jennifer Furner

Field Trip Information

Field Trip Reminder!

Your student’s class is scheduled to visit the American West Heritage Center and participate in the exciting educational opportunities here. The field trip will be mostly hands-on and outdoors, so please make sure your student dresses for the weather (coats, hats, gloves for cooler weather and shoes that can get wet or muddy). Dressing warmly will help your student enjoy his or her visit. Ask them what new things they saw and learned! 

The field trip costs $4 per student or parent attending (if chaperoning). Uniforms and badges must be worn during the trip. School lunches are available to students who need them, but we must get a head count prior. 



We Love technology!! Submit your homework each night via Google Docs. Use the Online Homework E-Submission tab under the Homework tab to find your way there. 
If you submit homework this way, nothing physically needs to be turned in. 

Daily practice of lessons is critical to your child’s academic success. Children need to be completing their homework daily. All of the spelling (word sort) assignments are the same weekly, only the word lists change. The new words can be found here on the blog on Monday. Your child’s Word Sorts are specific to their learning needs.

A minimum nightly reading of 20 minutes is required by students.

Math Homework: 

Front Row
Assignment #13 (Identify Shapes)
Class Code: dmbrye 

Any additional math practice and Log in information is under the homework tab labeled Math homework information

Students will be tested on Word Sorts on Fridays!

Shark Sort Cameron Lee, Britton, Isaac, Evalynn, Katelynn, Adelynn, Jace, Logan, Evan, Abby, Mack, and Aiden

Lobster Sort Shylynn, Makayli, and Gabe 

Seahorse Sort Sydney, Conner W. 

Whale Sort  Cameron J., Conner M., Alex, and Kolton 

Rainbow Sort Brecklyn, Jackson, and Jack 

Crab Sort  Kaleb and Taina

REMINDER: Make sure to bring a rock for your STEM project on Wednesday!

Weekend Notes

This upcoming week will be a busy one, so here are some important notes!

Are due Monday (the 11th)! Please have your child bring in their project. 

Spring pictures will also be on Monday, April 11th. Students do not have to wear uniforms for their school pictures. They will have their pictures taken unless otherwise indicated. Students should have returned home with a picture form to purchase school pictures, which should be brought back on Monday. 

  • The field trip will be next Friday, April 15th from about 10AM until 1:30 PM. We will return to class from the field trip unless parents check their child out. Students will get out of school at 3:00 P.M. like usual.
  • Permission slips need to be signed and turned in! 
  • Volunteers going are as follows:
  1. Jennifer Johnson
  2. Jessica Robinson
  3. Natalie Galt
  4. Karen Willis
  5. Sheila Ballard
  6. Jennifer Furner

Thank-you for your help!

Animal PowerPoints

The students have been working on PowerPoint presentations in class based off the animals they will be doing their diorama on. Dioramas are due on Monday (the 11th) by the way. We will have the students present in groups. The schedule will go as follows:

April 14th
1. Conner W.
2. Abby
3. Brecklyn
4. Jackson
5. Cameron L.
6. Evalynn

April 22nd
1. Isaac
2. Taina
3. Evan
4. Gabe
5. Aiden
6. Kolton
7. Britton

April 29th
1. Adelynn
2. Logan
3. Makayli
4. Kaleb
5. Cameron J.
6. Katelynn 

Jace, Shylynn, Conner M., Sydney, Alex, and Mack have already presented. 



We Love technology!! Submit your homework each night via Google Docs. Use the Online Homework E-Submission tab under the Homework tab to find your way there. 
If you submit homework this way, nothing physically needs to be turned in. 

Daily practice of lessons is critical to your child’s academic success. Children need to be completing their homework daily. All of the spelling (word sort) assignments are the same weekly, only the word lists change. The new words can be found here on the blog on Monday. Your child’s Word Sorts are specific to their learning needs.

A minimum nightly reading of 20 minutes is required by students.

Math Homework: 

Front Row
Assignment #44
Class Code: dmbrye 

Any additional math practice and Log in information is under the homework tab labeled Math homework information

Students will be tested on Word Sorts on Fridays!

Shark Sort Cameron Lee, Britton, Isaac, Evalynn, Katelynn, Adelynn, Jace, Logan, Evan, Abby, Mack, and Aiden

Lobster Sort Shylynn, Makayli, and Gabe 

Seahorse Sort  Sydney, Conner W. 

Whale Sort  Cameron J., Conner M., Alex, and Kolton 

Rainbow Sort  Brecklyn, Jackson, and Jack 

Crab Sort  Kaleb and Taina

REMINDER: Make sure to bring a rock for your STEM project on Wednesday!

Pet Rocks

Pet Rocks!

d491be19e0fc1cb17050e730083024b2We are making pet rocks on Wednesday  April 6th. Please have your student bring a rock on the that day along with any additional items they would like to decorate their rock! I will have basic supplies, like paint, googly eyes, etc. 

Also, If I have any volunteers to bring hot glue guns to help out the sub in this project that would be amazing! We will be doing the project from 2:20ish to 2:55 at the end of the day. Please email me at