Arts Festival!

Arts Festival-Friday, April 26th from 5:00-8:00PM @ Quest Academy
-World’s Best Corndogs and Waffle Love food trucks
-Coloring Contest (K-5th grade) with prizes
-Chalk Art Contest with prizes
-Arts Showcase, categories are: pencil, colored pencil, paint/watercolor, photography, and other (sculpture, origami, pastels, chalk, etc.) with prizes
-Shirt Tie Dying
-Group Art Project
If you would like to submit a piece of art in the Arts Showcase, we will be collecting these soon. You may enter more than one art piece in the showcase. Also, stay posted for information on the group art project and shirt tie dying. Finally, the coloring page for the coloring contest will be distributed to teachers next week. It will be due back to your teacher no later than Wednesday, April 24th if you would like it to be judged in the contest. 

Field Trip Time again!

clark-planetarium-logoWe are going on an awesome field trip to Clark Planetarium! Here is some information you need to know!
Where: Meet at Roy Trax Station to Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake City
When: May 7th, 2019 @ 8:25 
We ask that students be there at 8:25 and the trax will be leaving at 8:40. The train will not wait for anyone. 
We will return at 2:15. ***We will not be going to the school at all that day. 
How much?  7$ for parent chaperones 
Chaperones? Teachers will select the first 7 parents who have NOT been on a field trip this year, fill out the permission form AND pay $7 in the office. (If we don’t have enough parents sign-up, we will open it up to parents who went on the Green Acre Farm Field Trip) 
Chaperones will have to ride the trax with us there and back. Also, you must pay for your own ticket to ride train. 
Permission Slip

Volunteer Hours

Are you having a difficult time getting your volunteer hours? Would you like to help the school and buy out your hours?  A donation of $150 will take care of your 30 hours for the 2018-2019 school year. If you don’t need your full 30 hours you can make a donation of $5 per hour you need. This donation will be used to put nice stamped cement along the front of the school where the grass won’t grow and creates a mud mess.  If you’re interested in volunteering and need ideas, please contact your students teacher or POQA.  If you have contact information for a person who lays cement or a person who can move a tree, please let Kitty McKissen at know. If you are unsure how many hours you have, refer to the email you received the beginning of the month from Help Counter or contact Catherine Sumner at  Please take your cash or check donation to Q1 or Q2 office.  If you need a receipt, let the office ladies know and POQA will gladly write one for you. Thank you for volunteering and helping make Quest the BEST!!!