Questions and Answers

Here are some frequently asked questions. All of the answers to these questions can be found in the disclosure statement in greater detail. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here or in the disclosure agreement, don’t be afraid to ask! Feel free to leave a comment below or email me directly. I will respond as promptly as life permits.


Q: What will I be learning about this year?

A: 9th grade science will be focused on studying biology

Q: What supplies will I need for class?
A: In general, all students should come to class prepared with a writing utensil, their science notebook, and their computer. Additionally, students should have index cards and colored pencils readily available for activities that require those items.

Q: How will I be graded?
A: Students will be graded purely on assessments (exams and projects). These assessments are designed to test the depth of knowledge, or mastery, of state science standards. 

Q: Is there homework and is it graded?
A: Yes, there is homework and it will improve grades indirectly. For every hour in class, there will be approximately 30 minutes to an hour worth of homework to be done outside of class. While homework will not contribute to academic grades, it is designed to help students obtain the necessary information or skills needed  to do well on exams or projects. 

Q: Is this “such and such” assignment going to be graded?
A: Yes! Everything will be graded or indirectly improve grades.

Q: Do you accept late work?
A: Late work is accepted upon certain conditions which are determined by Mr. Kealamakia. Students will need to write a brief explanation that sates their reasons for submitting work late, what their plan is for mastering the standard before submitting the assessment, and evidence that their plan was completed.

Q: Can I retake an exam or redo a project?
A: Yes, you may retake an exam or redo a project upon certain conditions. Students will not be forced to retake any form of assessment, but may do so if they desire to improve their score. To retake an assessment, students will need to meet with Mr. Kealamakia to schedule a retake. Retakes will NOT be able to be done during the class period unless otherwise stated. 

Q: Can I work ahead?
A: You may work ahead in most cases. However, there will be times where your pace may be slowed by group activities, labs, experiments, etc.

Q: How will I be learning this year?
A: You will be learning biology content through a combination of in-class lecture, Edgenuity’s online science curriculum, and Z Space computer simulation technologies.

Q: What computer applications will we be using this year?
A: Google Classroom for general class information. Edgentuity for content instruction. Z-Space for virtual reality lab simulations.

Q: What should I do if I miss class?

A: When you miss class, you are expected to continue your learning at home. You will be able to see what the class is learning by checking Google Classroom and by continuing your course in Edgenuity. Again, missing class does not exempt you from completing your work.

Q: What should I do if I miss an assessment?
A: You should do everything possible to not miss an assessment. All of your grades are based on assessments. However, if you miss an assessment, you will need to meet with me to schedule a time to make up the assessment. I will give you the responsibility to come seek me out to arrange the time. 

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