Upcoming Events:
- Monday, February 14 Valentine’s Day Party-for more info see previous post
- Monday, February 21- NO SCHOOL (President’s Day)
- Tuesday, February 22- “Two’s Day” 2/22/22 (How cool is that!)
- Friday February 25- $1 Dress Down Day
- Tuesday: Library books are due! Send take-home folders to school and review contents of folder when returned.
- To reinforce high frequency words, phonics and fluent reading, please keep reading decodable stories that are sent home each Tuesday.
Here’s a quick overview of new things we will learn this week:

Big Idea for Unit 7: “What are different kinds of animals?”

Comprehension strategy: “Reread” We will read informational texts to go along with this week’s theme “How are some animals alike and how are they different?”
New High Frequency Words: for, have
Phonics: blend and segment sounds in CVC words. New sounds/spellings: Uu
Vocabulary: appearance, behavior, exercise, plenty, wander
Math: Lesson 25 “Word problems with both addends unknown” and continue working on math pathways. Students have time to work on our math power standards at their own pace during math pathways time.