Homework Notice

     Yesterday, everyone was able to have the chance to get onto Reflex, log on, and complete a session. Now that everyone is familiar with how to access our class, it is time for Reflex to become Math homework. Remember, students should complete Reflex AT LEAST 3 nights per week (since they did it in class yesterday, they only need 2 more nights this week). Students need to work until they have received their “green light”. You’ll know that they have completed a session when the small circle in the upper right corner of the screen has a green outline and center. If students stop before earning a “green light,” the session does not count.

Instructions to Log-on to Reflex:
1. Go to student links on the Quest webpage, click on Reflex.
If the link does not work go to: www.reflexmath.com
2. Teacher user name is: alexander3
3. Choose our class, then choose your name
4. Students will need to then enter their password (they all know it)

Thanks for helping your child at home to be successful at school!
Work hard. Be kind.

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