Week of October 15th

                                                                     Education is life itself
                                                                      -John Dewey

Important Dates:

10/15: Remember to sign up for a conference
           STEM Lab
10/16: Last day to bring cans for the food drive

Classroom Information:

Fall Break is October 17th-19th.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are just around the corner. If you haven’t signed up for a Parent/Teacher Conference, please do so on the BLOOMZ post from last week. If you need any help, please let me know via email.

Food Drive:
Thank you all for the great support for the Food Drive Dress Down. Our class contributed a total of 200 items! There is still time to donate more food on Monday and Tuesday, and I encourage you to send in anything you can. This is a great opportunity to teach our children that they can always make an impact, no matter how young they are!

Apple Witches:

You should have gotten a letter with instructions and patterns for creating the witches’ clothes. You are welcome to start sending in dresses as soon as you have them sewn. Please have witch dresses returned to school no later than October 16th. If you need someone to sew your dress, just send the pre-cut pieces in a baggie with your child’s name and I will hand it off to one of the many volunteers that have offered their time and talents. If you did not get the Apple Witch instructions, please let me know and I will send another one home with your child.

It’s easy! 20 minutes of reading every night and Reflex. Please make sure that your child gets a green light in Reflex AT LEAST 3 times during the week. Even though we are only in school 2 days this week, I STRONGLY encourage you to make a tiny opportunity to do Reflex over the break. I have realized that the Reflex app for phones is not available right now. I’m hoping it will be back soon, and when it is I will make sure to let you all know. If doing Reflex at home is not possible at times, please send me an email or Bloomz message so that I can arrange for your child to have an opportunity to get it completed at school.

Work hard. Be kind.
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