
Several parents have asked for some advice regarding children who don’t love to read. I’ve compiled a list of things you can do to make reading more enjoyable for your child. I’ve also listed some reading activities that can take the place of “sitting down with a chapter book for 20 min.” Please comment if you have suggestions to add to the list! As the mother of a child in this same category, I’d love to hear what has worked for you as well.

*Reading is reading
Joke books, cookbooks, magazines, poetry, and even searching online can count toward reading minutes. Let them search a favorite topic online, read a recipe and its instructions to you while you cook, or read a favorite Shel Silverstein poem over and over until they have it memorized.

*Pay attention to genre
Do they prefer fiction or nonfiction books? Is there a movie they love that was made from a book? (You’d be surprised how many are!) Is there a topic they are currently interested in? Children can generally read several levels above their independent reading level if they are highly interested in its content. Harry Potter for example….

*Read together
I know time is scarce, but even if it’s just for a few minutes, it will feel less overwhelming and more enjoyable for a hesitant reader. I like to let the child pick which paragraph on the page they’d like me to read. This gets them out of reading that impossibly long paragraph they are dreading. You can also take turns reading every other paragraph, or if it’s just one of those nights, you read the page and let them pick which paragraph they are willing to read.

*Audio Books
There is nothing wrong with listening to a book from an audio file as long as the child is following along in the text. This can actually be a very useful tool for children improving their decoding and comprehension skills. They can use headphones and snuggle into a comfortable spot, or in the car on the way to and from school, dance, soccer, etc. (Just as long as motion sickness isn’t an issue.) : )

There are many websites that can engage students in reading as well. Here are a few free sites that your child might enjoy.
Into the Book
Professor Garfield
Poetry 4 Kids 
Kids National Geographic
Wacky Web Tales – (Mad Lib type stories)
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