Homework for the week of 9/8/14
Homework this week is due on Friday, September 12th and will consist of the following:
1- Reading 20 minutes per day, complete reading log. There are several sources of reading: Raz-Kids (online reading program), or books from home or the public library.
Weekly Reading Log
2- High Frequency Words. There will be a spelling and reading test on Friday for the WEEK 1 Words:
3- Math Homework. Either print out the following worksheet (not necessary to be in color) OR your child may use a piece of lined paper to write the answers. (If you choose the option to not print out the homework, please help your child label the paper with Chapter and Lesson #.) Help them read directions and allow them to talk about the problems as they figure out the answers.
Math first week homework Ch.-1-Lesson-5
The high frequency words are under the Homework Tab, then High-Frequency-Weekly-Words, click the link and print the page.
Monique- The high frequency words are posted under the “Homework” tab under “Weekly High Frequency Words”. Click on the link to view and print. We will be on Week 2’s list of words this week.