Weekly “What are we learning?” Update: Monday, Oct. 18 – Friday, Oct. 22

Hello Parents and Students –

This week we are going on our first field trip of the year to “Green Acres Corn Maze”! Don’t forget to contribute your donations at the Q1 office and if you are a chaperone, please pay the extra $5 for your ticket. Thank you again for all your support. I am very excited and can’t wait to have fun learning and enjoying fall festivities with you and our GREAT class! The buses will be at the school at 9:30 am, we will depart and be at Green Acres by 10 am to start their 3 rotations. Then we will leave by 11:30 to be back at school by Noon, to have recess and then normal lunch.

Chaperones can ride the bus, or follow behind in their own cars. But all children need to be on the bus, unless checked out for the day. If you are a chaperone who chooses to follow, please first meet in my classroom to receive your students’ names in your group. Also, for students to see their chaperone.

Learning for this week!

ELA – Compare/Contrast story elements: characters, setting, plot

Phonics – Plurals

Strategy – Make predictions

Math – Lesson 6 / Lesson 8 – Understand decimal place value, and read and write decimals. – I like to do these two lesson together. They correlate really well.

POWER Math Standards –

* NBT.5 – multiplying multi digit numbers in standard algorithm

* NBT.6 – dividing with a multi digit divisor – standard way

(Important information: No tutoring on Tuesdays until AFTER the holidays.) Tutoring will only be on THURSDAYS @ 3 – 3:30 by email invite so students don’t come during a standard they already mastered.

Stay tuned, I will have PTC sign up by the end of this week! Also, more information about Halloween celebrations for our classroom!

About angie.young

Hi - My name is Mrs. Young. I am excited to start a new adventure teaching at Quest Academy. I have taught previously in Weber School District in 2, 3, 4, and 6th grades. This will be the start of my 13 year. I also taught in Ogden District, before receiving my Bachelor's of Science, in special education preschool and long term subbing for math in the Jr. High Schools. My hobbies are my family!!! AND singing and acting. I have always loved art and theater. I hope to incorporate art into the technology and science to help our young minds expand to new measures. My family has been part of the education system since I was born. I have always been taught to have a passion for learning and growing. I am very excited to help my students this year to achieve all their goals and never stop fulfilling their passions in life. Welcome to 5th GRADE!!!
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