
Mrs. Young’s Disclosure – UPDATED – February 5, 2021
  • GRADING: Mastery
Our school has been a mastery grading school for 5 years now. This means the student’s grades are based SOLELY on their knowledge of each individual standard for any topic. Math, Reading (ELA), Science…sometimes – Social Studies, and extra curricular standards.
  • MATH:
Mostly they will get the grade they get on the test they take. In math it is usually just one standard at a time. One week I teach the standard, the next week I use that same standard as review, as we move to another standard. After 2 weeks of practicing the standard, the students will ALL test on that standard. If your child moves on the fast track in math they may test earlier, but at their choice and proof of ability. The test we take is the “Paper Test” the highest grade they can get is a (3). Administration wanted to “Up the Bar” for our school, this is one of our ways. To get a grade of (4) the child will need to request an iReady test from the teacher and then from the percentage below, it will determine if they stay a (3) or move up to a (4). iReady tests are very rigorous and deeper learning of knowledge, so the grading percentage will mirror that.
  • iReady Math Test:
  • * 67% – 100% = 4
  • *60% – 63% = 3
  • * 31% – 59% = 2
  • * 1% – 30 % = 1
If the student scores lower on the iReady test over the paper test, I take the highest score, which would have been a 3, I will not test them on iReady unless they achieve 80% or higher on the paper test.
  • ELA (Reading/Language):
We use commonlit, the students receive assignments once a week as a practice and then about every other week will get a TEST similar to the practice assignment. If ever you are unsure which one is a test and which one is an assignment, they are categorized on our google classroom. – We usually do two standards a week, sometimes three. Reading standards overlap the grade they get on  the entire commonlit will go for EVERY standard being tested. Again, we retest these periodically, and I will take the highest score they received to show mastery. For other sections (Writing, Spelling, Vocabulary) we may use different forms of essay writing and teacher made tests to assess that. Grading will follow the normal Paper Tests for math, and percentages that follow our (Number Grades).
  • GRADE percentage and meaning:
  • * 90% – 100% = 4 = Mastered
  • *80% – 89% = 3 = Proficient
  • *60 % – 79 % = 2 = Approaching Proficient
  • *1% – 59% = 1 = Below Proficient
  • * 0% = 0 = Failure to even try or put forth any effort
  • For the NEW grade book, I have sent out some SRI’s when I update grades. I am in the process of making a video describing the form to help all parents – INCLUDING me – to understand what I am looking at. A teacher at our school created this, I think it is a good grade book, I just want to clarify what parents are looking at.
  • The DATA sheets that your child keeps their scores on is controlled by THEM. I give them their grades and that is where they track it. I think it is important for students to understand scores and how they are doing. The more accountable they are the more in control they feel for their learning. They can take proper action to be PROUD or realize they may need to step it up a notch.
I have told my students to share these with their parents. Remember, this is THEIRS not MINE. If they have put wrong scores or are not accurately keeping track. I still have my records.
Our school and myself do not agree with sending students home with extra work. When they are in school, I expect them to work hard for the WHOLE day. When they go home, I want them to enjoy their curricular activities and family time. BUT if a child has not finished their weekly work, or has been absent and missing practice work, they will need to bring it home. Just like if they were in the upper grades. * Reading at home is NOT homework, it should be for a leisure activity, especially if your child is in the red/yellow of our Dibels test. They need to practice out loud, and in their head. Most students would be so surprised to see how many hours are used for tv, ps4, phone – basically screen time. Then the merely 20 – 30 minutes that will help them grow in every area of education. I strive to help them find books they WANT to read, not HAVE to read at home. Please do your best to encourage them, and I will do the same. * IXL – some parents asked for extra worksheets to send home to practice math. I am not against this, but I have found that this rarely helps because we are so busy at home. I am in the process of training my students to use a program called IXL. Their usernames and passwords will change periodically, but this should be something they can access from home and do their math practice on. Talk to your kids about it after President’s Day. Finally, if your child is NOT good at their fluency math facts, they need to practice REFLEX at home. If you are not sure, your child can show you their percentage on there. If anyone has any questions, please email me.
  • E Learners –
With the vaccine and numbers seem to be going down, (I never truly know what is going on with Covid). I hope, that more of my E learners can make it back into the classroom. Right now, the pressure is put on the students and parents at home. I get that, I try to help how I can, but for the majority, it is up to you. To help with my E learners ,who may be struggling in math or reading, I will try to send them with an on line aide during math time. I will not be able to send them ALL the time, but I will do my best to send them when the aide is available. Fridays:(My planning/prep time)  if your child is in dire need of help: Set up a face to face time on a Friday with me (at least 4 -5 days notice), It must be between 1:30 – 3:30 pm, 30 minutes long, please be prompt and I will need to know the topic we will be working on prior to that.

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