5th grade Maturation

Hi –
It is time for 5th grade maturation. I sent home papers home today, please return permission or no permission by next Friday, February 14.
I highly suggest if your student does attend that a guardian be there too. It is March 13 Girls – 8:40 am and Boys 9:40 am. If you have any questions please email or phone the office.
Thank you,
Mrs. Young

2019 Maturation Consent ADA
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Parent’s Night Out! YMCA

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ere is a document from the YMCA if you are interested in a date night on Valentine’s DAY!
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Valentine’s Day Permission Slip

Hello Parents –
Please sign in the link below to give your student permission for the food offered during our V-day Party. Also, if you would like to donate any items sign up on line and I will confirm next week with you on what you are sending. If you would like to volunteer to help at the party, it will be held from 10 am – 11:45 am on Valentine’s Day, Friday, February 14.
Thank you for all your support,
Mrs. Young

Permission Slip

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January 27 – 31 (PTC Week is upon us!)

Dear Parents –
I can’t wait to see you this week for Parent Teacher Conferences. If you have not signed up for a time, please go back to that post and sign up. If you have any problems or need another time not listed, email me directly and I will get back to you.
I will do my best to stay prompt and on schedule. The Parent Teacher Conferences are going to be lead by your students. It is their chance to share triumphs and struggles. We will also discuss goals and moving forward to the end of the year push.
Thank you for your support,

PS – If any parents would like to help me plan a fun Valentine’s Day party or would like to be in charge of one please email and let me know. If you do not want to be in charge, but are willing to help out on Valentine’s Day or donate any items email me that too.
Mrs. Young

We ARE “Mastering”
*Reading – Summarize the author’s point of view
*Math – Multiplying Fractions
*Writing the introduction to a 5 paragraph essay (informational)

Important Dates:
*January 28 and 30 PTC
*February 4 Capitol and Planetarium Field Trip – If you are a Parent volunteer, please meet at 8:35 when the bell rings to get assigned your groups. (These are the parents I have listed: Lacey, Casey, Sunset, Mindy, April) If you are not listed and thought you were a volunteer, please email me, I am only allowed to take 5 for the tours we have scheduled. Thank you.
*February 14 Valentine’s Day
*February 17 No School /President’s Day
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Little Caesars Fund Raiser

Dear Parents – I know we promised only one fund raiser this year. But the notebooks did not do as well as we hoped. We hope this new fund raiser will help us fund our very needed and very pricey field trips. Hands on learning is so important, but we can’t do it alone. PLEASE, check out the new fundraiser and I will send home all the information today with your children. Stay safe, and THANK you again for supporting Quest!

Mrs. Young

Fundraiser Video

Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 12.31.18 PM

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Busy Busy Busy

Hello Parents – I just wanted to make sure you are up to date with everything that is happening in our classroom.

Important Dates: 
*January 20 (MLK) No school
*January 23 (short day)
*January 24 (No School) Teacher Workday
*January 28 and 30 (Parent Teacher Conferences)- Please sign up for a time if you haven’t already.
*February 4 (Capitol and Planetarium Field Trip)
*February 14 (Valentine’s Day)

Finally, Tutoring… I am starting up tutoring again, starting  next week on Jan. 21 Tuesday and Jan. 23 Thursday. I will send home extra practice too, for students who have not mastered the concept to do of their own free will.

January 21 (adding and subtracting fractions) 3:00 – 3:30pm
January 23 (multiplying decimals) 1:00 – 1:30pm

We will take a break (again) during PTC’s. But pick up again the next week. I will put up the schedule for February shortly.
Thanks again for your support and help in the classroom.

* Classroom NEEDS: Black whiteboard markers and tissues
Thank you again
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Parent Teacher Conference sign up

Sign up Sheet

lease sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. I can’t wait to see you all there!

Best Regards,
Mrs. Young

"Mrs. Hammond! I'd know you anywhere from little Billy's portrait of you."

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Capitol Field Trip

Permission Slip

(Please fill out the form above to let me know you understand the information about the field trip and to give permission to your child.)

 On Tuesday, February 4th, the entire 5th grade will be going on a Field Trip to Salt Lake City.  We will be touring the State Capitol as well as the Clark Planetarium. We will be renting busses to provide our transportation.  Busses will be leaving the school promptly at 8:45am and returning to the school by 2:45pm. We will have lunch at the State Capitol, so each student will need to provide their own home lunch and a pack to carry it in.  

    To help cover the cost of the field trip, we are asking for a donation of $5 per student and chaperone who attends. The donations can be paid to either the Q1 or Q2 office.  For this field trip we are only able to take five chaperones per class. If you are available to attend as a chaperone please indicate below and I will take the first five adults who sign the form and pay the $5 donation.  Please bring your receipt to me to let me know you have paid.   

Thank you,
Mrs. Young

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Welcome Back! 2020 Can you believe it!

Welcome back, I hope you are ready to jump into the new year!
We will be learning:
  • Math – Multiplying decimals
  • Reading –  Find the theme of a literature and informational text
  • Science – Mid year Review – upcoming (magnets)
  • Writing – Informational Essay on 2020 Goals – 5 paragraphs – 3 goals – sentence structure – topic sentences – stay on topic

Remember – 
Monday – Library (please return books)
Wednesday – Coding
Thursday – STEM

We will be Diagnostic Testing and Acadiance aka Dibels testing this month too.

Parent Teacher Conference Sign up will be up on the next post. Please sign up for the best time for you and we will discuss about all your students accomplishments, struggles, and things to come.

Thank you again for your support,
Mrs. Young

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Holiday Festivities

Thank you so much parents for all that you do! Just wanted to put a few reminders of our final days this year…. LOL I love saying that. Remember just 2019, not 2020. (hee hee)

Important Dates:
*Secret Santa Gifts need to be under the tree (Wednesday, December 18) Just want to take a count to make sure we have them all.

*Secret Santa Gift EXCHANGE – (Thursday, December 19 – after lunch)

*Polar Express – (Movie, Cookies, Hot Coco) – I am still in need of someone willing to bring the warm water. If I can’t have someone, I will improvise. LOL 
Remember this is the last day of December. We will see you back at school Monday, January 6!

Thank you so much for all you do (again) I can’t express my feelings enough, of how great your kids are and you!!!

Thanks again, 
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, & a Safe New Year!
See you NEXT YEAR!!! 2020
I feel old,
Mrs. Young

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