This Week April 29 – May 3 AND the rest of the year!!!

April 29 to May 3 –
We will be doing our iReady End of Level Diagnostic! Basically it will show the kiddos and us how much they have grown this year. It is really important that kids come to school on time and stay the whole day. We will be having breaks in between and the Math and Reading test will take the entire week, possibly more for some. There is no time limit, but the testing set for a limited time each day so the students don’t over do it. Dibels and Daze will also be given. This is their reading fluency test, and their close read vocabulary. The administration uses these tests as guides to help set the classrooms for next year. Remind your child it is their time to SHINE!!! 

NEXT week is RISE!!! I am so excited for them on this. I know how hard we have worked and strived to challenge our classes this year. iReady was a big help too, with their rigorous questions and helping all of us learn a different way of doing math. I feel very confident in all my students and know they are ready to face the challenges of 6th grade next year. Quest is always going above and beyond and this year, I felt it, in the classroom, wth every single student being challenged on their level and accomplishing holes they may have missed in previous years. I can’t express how proud I am of this wonderful class. I will truly miss you all.

After All testing is through… we will have a party. I will post more on that next week. PLEASE sign the permission slip for all food items during the RISE test! Remember we are doing RISE in one week instead of two. That means a morning test and an afternoon test. Only miss if it is an emergency.

This Week:
Monday –
9:00 -9:45 – iReady Math Diagnostic

1:00 – 1:45 – iReady Reading Diagnostic
and pulling students to do their DIBELS testing

9:00 -9:45 – iReady Math Diagnostic

1:00 – 1:45 – iReady Reading Diagnostic
and pulling students to do their DIBELS testing

Wednesday –
9:00 -9:45 – iReady Math Diagnostic

1:00 – 1:45 – iReady Reading Diagnostic
and pulling students to do their DIBELS testing

Finish up all diagnostics and take the DAZE test on line.

Friday – Fun Day: We will be doing some fun activities with art, and STEM…Come back ready for RISE on Monday, May 6 – 10!!!!
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Rise Testing Permission Slip

Hello Parents –
Our wonderful administration provides replenishment during our RISE testing week. Please sign the permission slip below and check any food that your child CANNOT have!
Thanks so much for your help during this week. Another post will  come shortly with schedules for the upcoming weeks.

Permission Slip
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Election Outcome!

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The Candidates for each grade!

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Help! We need Clean water!

Please send your kiddos with any spare change you can this week. Also if you want to donate more money to the front office, that will be great!
Mrs. Marten’s class is beating the rest of the school with 100 dollars already donated. Now I am a little competitive… Let’s BRING IT! 
Quarters tomorrow and your dollars on Friday… but in reality…. keep bringing any change ya got!
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Weekly Update: April 15 – 20

Hello Parents and Students – Just a reminder: Donations for the Sub Zero field trip need to be turned in asap. End of year testing: Dibels, iReady Diagnostic, and RISE are all coming up…Please do your best to go to bed early, eat good breakfasts, and stay focused. I have planned some fun after, but if you miss you will need to make up the final tests.

This week we are learning and REVIEWING old standards:
MATH: Classify 2 dimensional figures
READING: Quote accurately from the text
LANGUAGE: context clues for unknown words
WRITING: Practice informational and opinion writing… trying to up the score on Utah compose.
SCIENCE: Reviewing all topics

*This Friday is a $1 dress down for our friends in Africa. If you would like to donate more money for this wonderful cause, please contact the office.
*April 24: Sub Zero (in school field trip)
*April 29 – May 3: Diagnostic testing, Dibels
*May 6 – May 10: RISE testing (my class is doing ALL tests in one week)
*May 13-24 Final projects 
*May 27: Memorial Day (No School)
*May 28 -30 Short days
*May 30 LAST DAY!
(If you ordered a year book, teachers will NOT get them till the final week.) So if you need it before that week, please pick it up in Q1 office.)
(Also, if you know you will not be coming the final week, please inform your teacher, so they can clean up and send you home with your stuff)

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Student Council Interviews

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Sub Zero Permission form:

Hello Parents –
April 24 we will have the opportunity to have a hands on example of chemical and physical changes of matter. In the end, yummy ice cream will be able to be consumed. Please read and sign the permission slip below.
PS – Thanks early for your donations that help with all our field trips and classroom experiences.

Permission Slip

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Spring Break April 1 – 5

Hello Parents  and Students –
I can’t believe we are in fourth quarter and starting spring break. This means we are in CRUNCH TIME… finishing up with the standards that are left and reviewing the rest before the final test! As my students would say “I am a poet and didn’t know it”. 
To help with crunch time, I am going to start sending homework home each week for reading and math. Math will be a blue review worksheet that has two sides. They are small problems and shouldn’t take very long. Let me know if these become hindering or if I need to modify it for your child. Also, I have a reading comprehension worksheet. One small paragraph and 4 questions each night. Again if this becomes a problem or is too difficult, please let me know. But in short, these will help the kiddos to be prepared for the upcoming RISE (aka SAGE) that will cover ALL core objectives.
Homework will start: April 8 – passed out Monday and DUE Friday – DUE April 12
We will have homework like this for every week until May 3 This means 4 TOTAL – 4 math and 4 reading… that will be the last due date for homework. Then testing will start on Monday, May 6 and go till May 10. We are getting it all done in one week. Please do your best to help your children to be to school on time with a healthy and hearty breakfast. Also getting to bed at a good time to make sure they get  an adequate amount of sleep.
Thank you so much for your help and support at home! This year has been great, I have loved working with your children. So excited to see how much they have grown through out the year!
Thanks again for the privilege to teach your children,
Mrs. Young
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Weekly Update: March 25 – 29

We are Mastering:
MATH: Understanding Coordinate Planes
READING: Collaborative Reader’s Theater
LANGUAGE: Adjectives/Context Clues
WRITING: Informational Essay/ Book Report Topic
SCIENCE: Earth’s Surface/Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Also 3rd Quarters grades are on “teacherease” for viewing. If anyone would like a hard copy of their child’s report card, send me an email and I will print one out for you. Thank you for all your support. Speaking of support!!! I am in need of some donations… lol… I really am in need of items for our school store. I am close to the bare minimum. Remember NOTHING edible. You are the BEST!
Thanks ahead of time,
Mrs. Young
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