Weekly Update: March 18 – 22

Coming up:
*March 25 – Quarter 4 starts
*March 28 – Dollar Dress Down
*April 1 – 5: Spring Break
*MAY 6 – 10: RISE aka (Sage) Testing
(Our class will be finishing ALL of the RISE testing in one week. PLEASE, have your child on time and here for the test. Make up can be very stressful on students.)

We are Mastering this week:
MATH: Finding volume of composite figures
READING: compare and contrast informational texts
LANGUAGE: adjectives and context clues
WRITING: Informational Essays (on Book Report Topic)
SCIENCE: Earth’s Surface (Volcanoes and Earthquakes)
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Weekly Update: March 4 – 8

Dear Parents – Watch for homework tomorrow. Remember it will be the yellow math worksheet. I will be tutoring on Division of fractions this week and hit the converting measurement the next week. Remember if your child needs to take a test from their homework standards, I will give them one, after they turn in their homework sheet.

We are Mastering:
MATH: Understand Volume and how to measure it
READING: Understand the theme of any literature text
LANGUAG: Spelling and Grammar
WRITING: Informational – “Should Pluto be a Planet?”
SCIENCE: Magnets – test Thursday

*Reminder 3 weeks till Quarter 3 Book Report is due: March 18! If you did not receive the rubric, it is on the Book Report Page.
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Dr. Seuss Day: March 1 (Friday)

Hello Parents – Tomorrow we are celebrating Dr. Seuss. Students can choose to do 1 or all 3 of the items below:

1 – Dress with a friend as thing 1 and thing 2.

2 – Wear green, green , green for green eggs and ham.

3- Wear “Who Hair”… Crazy Hair

AND as a class we are having a little read – a – thon. So the students can bring 1 cuddly to class and all the books they want to read with. NO TECHNOLOGY! WE are going old school and only reading from books tomorrow!!! 
Thanks so much,
Mrs. Young
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Math Homework

Hello Parents – I recently bought different colored paper to help with knowing which is a homework worksheet and the regular review worksheet we do in class.
 Yellow – unmastered objectives that were back in Quarter 1 or 2. (not every student will get one of these. I will send emails to notify parents) —-when a student turns this in, I will retest them on that objective. 
White – Review Worksheets (to be done in class during center time) these objective will be from Earlier in quarter 3

The previous post informed what we were mastering this week. I had a few students that received 2’s on converting measurement (last week’s standard). I will meet with them during center time this week to see if they can master up. 
If you are not sure how to check grades on teacherease, let me know and I will have Mrs. Goldsburry send you the email to sign up. I am sorry that I can’t help in this area, it is under administration.
As a reminder, remember, iReady is new this year. It has been a change for all students, parents, and teachers. It is more rigorous and it helps students in many ways. If you have questions about any part of iReady or Ready Math feel free to contact me or even the administration would love to answer questions.
Thanks so much for your support in our classroom and school,
Mrs. Young
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Weekly update: February 25 – March 1

Hello Parents and Students –
This week we are going to the storytelling festival and celebrating one of my favorite authors; Dr. Suess. I also have instructed the students on Quarter 3’s book report at the bottom of this post will be a link to the rubric of what is expected. If parents have any further questions, please email or phone me.
Have a great last week of February, I don’t know about you, but I am ready for MARCH! and SPRING!

We are Mastering:
MATH: Lesson 23 – Make line plots and interpret dataLesson 23 explanation
READING: Determine the meaning of words and language through figurative speech
LANGUAGE: Understand vocabulary words in figurative language
WRITING: Informational Paper
SCIENCE: Magnets (test should be next week)

Quarter 3 Book Report
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Weekly Update: February 11 – February 15

Hello Parents – I sent home the data sheets for PTC, but would love to meet with anyone who wants to reschedule a time at YOUR convenience. It does not have to be this week. Whatever time works for you, I will adjust my schedule. Just shoot me an email and I respond within 24 hours to confirm.
I am starting a weekly homework this week, but it WILL NOT be every student. I am going off of iReady scores. If a child has NOT mastered a concept, or mastered and NOT Retained the concept. I will send home a worksheet that is broken into daily practice. At the end of the week turn it in and I can test a student for mastery or just mark off their accomplishment. This is just extra practice to help students still in the struggle.
Tutoring will still be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00 – 3:30. Send your child if you want, it will be on recent objectives. I will NOT be sending emails for after school tutoring. I work with ALL of my students in math centers. But offer this as an extra help.
Here is what we are learning this week:
MATH: Convert measurement units 
READING: infer and quote accurately from informational text
LANGUAGE: Use commas in a series
WRITING : Opinion Paper “Should we feed the birds in the Winter”
SCIENCE: Magnets

REMINDER: Sign Valentine Treat permission slip, and field trip permission slip 
Students need to bring their own boxes, bags, or whatever to transport their valentines, bring a valentine to all or none
Party is on February 14 @ 1-3. Only in our classroom, no rotations this time.

Thank you so much again, I can’t believe we so close to testing time again. It is crazy how fast this year flew by!
Mrs. Young
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Story Telling Festival Field Trip:

Permission Slip

ear Parents -Please read the information for our next field trip on the permission slip very carefully. If you have any questions, feel free to email me and I will respond within 24 hours. Thank you so much for your help and support. This is one of my favorite field trips that I have done in the district. I am excited for the students at Quest to experience it. 
Thanks again,
Mrs. Young
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Valentine’s Food Permission Slip

Permission Slip

hank you parents for all you do, if you want to donate any of the food items or volunteer for our party, it will be on Valentine’s Day from 1 -3 in the afternoon. We will be staying in our own classes the whole time.
I will update any donations sent during the week on the blog. Thank you again for your support!
Mrs. Young
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Weekly Update: January 28 – February 1

Hello Parents and students –
We are in for a busy week. First, I want to say I am looking forward to meeting with you and your children this week. They have been working very hard and I want to share their strengths along with things they may need to work on for the final laps of the year!
This week we are learning:
  • Math: Lesson 19 (evaluate and write expressions)
  • Reading: Compare and Contrast relationships of informational texts.
  • Language: Subordinating and coordinating conjunctions
  • Writing:  Opinion writing: Letter to the editor (also finishing up Wayside Chapters)
  • Science: Magnets
  • S.S.: States and their capitals

*I will be putting a post and permission slip up for Valentine’s Day. I would LOVE to have some parent support, since we will be doing ONLY our own classes for the party. My students have voted on Pizza, Cotton Candy, and soda for their snacks. Also CANDY Hearts for a game and writing project I like to do.  I let them go a little overboard this party where we are on our own. I will have a donation sign up sheet at PTC. If you can’t donate any items, but want to donate your time, I would love for you to come on Valentine’s Day after lunch 1-3.  I will have a sign up sheet for that too, with the different activities we will be doing.
Thank you again for all your support. You are wonderful!!!
Mrs. Young

MATH LETTER: Lesson 19

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January Parent Teacher Conferences

Here is the link to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences.https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0D4EAAAB2FA0FE3-january

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