Global Literature Project

Students and Parents – 
Mrs. Anderson our librarian would like us to put this post on our blogs and make it available for our students. Please check it out!
Mrs. Young

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Hello 2019 – I hope all of you had a wonderful Break! I know I enjoy my time with my family, but always look forward to seeing my other kiddos again.
The first week back will be a quick review of what we have done through the year. Then we will continue forward with our lessons and schedule starting January 7. Just as a reminder for parents that our library day is on Thursday and our STEM lab day is on Tuesdays. 
We will also be doing a mid year test for Dibels, now called (acadience?) and we will do another iReady growth check. This will continue to ensure that our students are being challenged in the correct areas of reading and math. 
I will begin tutoring on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS @ 3:00 – 3:30 this year. Since the choir is over, these days work a little better for me. If this is a struggle for you or your child and they really need to come in for a different time, please email me and I will try to schedule another time.
Tutoring will be a little different, I will email on Fridays who needs to come for which sessions. If you do not receive an email on Friday, I was able to work with your child during center time, or they do not need extra help with this specific standard. 
2nd Quarter was a crazy time with lots of vacations scheduled during it. I changed the book report to a book we read in class together and students are filling out a questionnaire worksheet on it in class. So there is no at home Book Report due this quarter.  I will send out a rubric for our next book report due for Quarter 3 shortly. The class has been discussing different topics and projects they may want to do. I like them to have a little say in the decision process. It seems to motivate them.
Finally, January 16, we will have our 5th grade NOVA graduation. The students have done a class each Wednesday with an officer in our law enforcement. Then the students were required to write a final essay for their graduation of the class. The students will be getting a certificate on Wednesday, January 16 @ 2:00 pm in the Q1 gym. We would love for any parents who would like to attend to do so, also you can take your child home directly after.
Thank you again for your support with our class,
Mrs. Young
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See you NEXT year! LOL

Hello Students and Parents –
I have been waiting all year to say that. LOL Anyways, it has been a GREAT year so far. I hope all of you enjoy our long long break and enjoy family time. I know I sure am. The grades are updated on the new program. The students have been working hard on Mastering their objectives. We will give out those awards  after the break! 
I am so proud of all my students and their hard work. If you want to do any extra work over the break or practice… Readworks is great, wonderopolis, and prodigy. They can get on any links from the school website or mine. 
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New YEAR!

Mrs. Young

Wednesday, January 2 – to be exact! xoxoxo
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Christmas Party Treat Permission

Hello Parents – 
Friday, December 14. We are having a Christmas Party as a 5th grade. They will rotate to different classes and enjoy some fun before going on our long winter break. The 13th will be our white elephant present day with just our class. Please click on the link and fill out the form so I have permission to give a little treat to your little treat. Ha
Merry Christmas and Happy New YEAR!

Mrs. Young

Christmas Treat Permission
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No Math Tutoring (December)

Hello My wonderful parents and students –
With the choir and concerts coming up, I will be unable to do tutoring for the next couple of weeks. I will put up a new schedule for January and email parents for students who should come to the tutoring. I will input grades on teacherease tomorrow. Check and see how your kiddos are doing. I feel that our new math centers are really helping the learning process. We are still going very deep and fast, but kiddos are getting better at mastering their concepts.
Thanks again for all your help and support at home,
Mrs. Young

PS – if you want your child to practice any math at home, please work on prodigy and reflex. Those two sites will help them the most right now.
Thanks again.
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White Elephant Presents

Hello family and parents –
In our class we will be doing a fun gift exchange on Thursday, December 14. Please spend no more than $3 and make sure that the present would be good for a boy or a girl. We will do a fun game with these. Thank you so much for your help and participation. If there are any problems, please notify me, and I will help where I need to.
Thanks again,
Mrs. Young
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PJ Party! and “Best Christmas Pageant EVER!

Hello parents – I wanted to inform you about a PJ party that our students earned today.WE will celebrate it on FRIDAY, November 30. Students can still donate a dollar, but don’t have to since they earned this with their good behavior. Everyone can bring one or two snuggles to get comfy on the floor with during the movie. If you have any questions please email me. 
Next, we will be reading the chapter book “Best Christmas Pageant Ever” in class for the next two weeks before Christmas Break. I would like all students to have their own copy. I have 10 only, if you have a copy you could send with them, that would be great. We should be reading “The house without a Christmas tree” also. This book will be read aloud by me, and I will omit the naughty words. But if any parents are uncomfortable with either of these books please let me know and I can have your student do other things.
Thank you so much for your support on our field trip and also the volunteer hours in the classroom. If you are able to come during 9 – 10 am on Mon. Wed. Fri. starting next year. I plan on having students do a little bit of a book club during ELA group time. Let me know if anyone is interested in helping with that.
Thanks so much,
Mrs. Young
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Weekly Update: 11/26 – 11/30

Welcome back!
 I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. This week we are mastering:
  • MATH: Multiplying Fractions
  • READING: Determining the theme of a literature story while summarizing and inferring.
  • LANGUAGE: Understanding the relationship in words to to find their meanings.
  • WRITING: Staying on topic and introducing an opinion paper.
  • SCIENCE: Physical and Chemical Changes

Remember that I will have tutoring after school on Mondays and Thursdays. I will update the schedule tomorrow on the blog and will email friends who may need the extra help for those topics. I will hopefully have grades updated by tomorrow after my planning time.
Thank you for all your support in our classroom and donations. I have the best parents in my classroom!
Happy Holidays,
Mrs. Young
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Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and I will see you on Monday, November 26. We have a lot of fun and a lot of learning to do before Christmas Break.  
I will have the grades updated by Tuesday next week on TeacherEase. I will also continue tutoring in math on Mondays and Thursdays. We are trying to incorporate centers during math time to help with reteaching and mastering the objectives. 
See you soon,
Mrs. Young
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Leonardo Museum Volunteer information links

ChaperoneGuide-March2018 (1)

FieldTripParking-TheLeonardo (1)

opy of Email:
Here is a schedule, maps, and groups for the field trip on November 13. PLEASE, look through all the information. If you are a parent volunteer, look at the names of the kiddos that you will be in charge of and I will introduce them to you at the platform after they check in with me.
As you can see from the schedule; we will be going to make a few transitions. I will need my parents help to watch and make sure we all make it from one stop to the next. Also, remember on the train, we are representing Quest Academy and we are NOT the only patrons. We need to be respectful, stay seated, and use our indoor voices.
I want to express thanks to everyone for your help and support on this field trip. No money is required on the field trip. But PLEASE be sure to pay your donation to either office prior to the field trip.
If there are any questions, please email me at your earliest convenience.
Mrs. Young
Leonardo & Library Schedule
8:35: Walk to the platform to wait for Frontrunner train
8:46 Board the Southbound Frontrunner train to Salt Lake. Leaves at 8:46
9:33 Get off the train at the North Temple Station and walk to the Trax connection platform.
9:37 Take the Green line to West Valley. Leaves at 9:37
9:47 Get off at the Courthouse stop and wait for the Red line to Medical Center
9:53 take the Red line to Medical Center. Leaves at 9:53
9:56 Get off Red line at the Library and walk to Leonardo, south side of the Leonardo building
10:00-12:30: Workshop and Tour of Museum
12:30: Meet outside Leonardo, southside, and walk to library square.
12:30- 1:30: Lunch at Library Square
1:30: Walk to the Library Trax Station
1:48 Take the Red line to Daybreak; leaves at 1:48
1:52 Get off at Courthouse, wait for Green line to Airport
1:58: Board Green line to Airport; leaves at 1:58
2:09: Get off at North Temple Frontrunner and walk to the Frontrunner platform
2:31: Board Frontrunner headed North: leaves at 2:31
Get off the train at the Roy Station. 3:16
Please make sure all students are checked off with me before leaving with a parent.
Mrs Robinson:
Mr. Wood
Mrs. Shaw
Mr./Mrs. Neitert
Mrs. Allmon
Mrs. Conorich
Mrs. Joseph
Miss Linda
Mrs. Humphrey (meeting us at the museum)
Miss Cathy
(meeting us at the museum)
Ms. Allen
? will you send me an email to confirm…
Thank you
PS – If you are a volunteer, please head to my blog, and there are two forms to click and read over from the Leonardo Museum. It will also help those who are driving down.
Thanks so much again.
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