Wanted Posters!

All my students did great interpreting a character on a wanted poster. Here are some pics of the sharing they did in their groups!
Thanks for the help from family at home,
Mrs. Young
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HALLOWEEN reminders from Administration!

If this is your first year at Quest, please review our wellness policy regarding food in the classroom. As Halloween is approaching, parents often ask if their children can bring candy to share for their classroom Halloween party. According to our wellness policy, students are not allowed to bring treats to share. Information regarding Halloween party treats will be given to parents one week prior to the party. All parents are required to give permission for their students to consume treats during these activities.

Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact us. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed. 

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Weekly Update: October 29 – November 2

We AGAIN… Have a busy week.
First off, let me apologize that some of you were unable to access the rubric on the Book Report page. I didn’t realize you had to allow anyone to view. Only when your students used their accounts (Quest Accounts) could it be accessed. I fixed it. So anyone can view. I also did not realize I put the due date on a Monday. I HATE Monday due dates. I am changing the due date to TOMORROW. October 30. Those students who did turn it in did get a little bonus for being prepared and on time.
If your child does not get it turned in by tomorrow, each day will cost a 1/2 a point on their score.
Important: Halloween is a SHORT DAY schedule. Students will be dismissed at 1:30. 
Many have asked if there is school on Thursday, YES… It will be a normal day. This is different from the last couple of years.

Okay now down to the FUN we will be having this week: “POSITIVE ME WEEK”
  • Monday = Hat Day
  • Tuesday = Team Jersey Day
  • Wednesday = Halloween (Costumes)
  • Thursday = Super Hero Day
  • Friday = Crazy Hair Day
What we are Mastering?
  • Math: Unit 1 Review and Test (All of the Numbers Base Ten standards)
  • Reading: RL 1 – Quote accurately while drawing inferences and RL3 – Describe in depth characters, setting, and events.
  • Language: 5 Figurative Speech
  • Writing: Singular and Plural Nouns
  • Science: Electricity
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Leonardo Museum Field Trip

Hello Parents – Here is the link for the permission slip for our field trip to the Leonardo Museum. Please read it thoroughly before answer the form questions below. 
Mrs. Young

Permission Slip
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Halloween Party!

Happy Halloween!
I just wanted to remind you all that we will have a fun Halloween Party this year, as always, at Quest Academy. The parade will be first thing in the morning. Students are allowed to dress up. Please, NO weapons, blood, or masks. Other than that! BE creative and we will have a little contest running in my classroom.
If you want to come and help with the party, it will be right after the parade. In our classroom, we will be doing the donuts and movie. The more the merrier is my opinion on Halloween Fun! It is also a SHORT day schedule. Please DO NOT forget children will be released at 1:30 on Halloween, October 31.
Please sign the permission slip (link at the bottom) so your child will be allowed to partake of a donut. 
If you want to donate any (NON EDIBLE prizes during this time for my classroom, my treasure chest is getting a little empty!) Must be all the great behaviors!!!
Thanks again,
Mrs. Young

Permission Slip

2nd Permission Slip
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Electronic Party! October 16 (Tuesday)

Hello Parents –
They did it again! Earned an electronic party. YES, they can bring devices from home. But you must sign the form below, basically stating, I will not be responsible for the device and neither will Quest Academy. If students choose not to bring their own devices, they CAN use my computers here at the school.
Thanks so much for your support,

Mrs. Young

Permission Slip
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After School: Math Tutoring

Hello Parents and Students –
I am starting after school math tutoring. I am sorry for the delay. I try to pull when I can during centers in class. But with our rigorous schedule, there isn’t always center time. I have started pulling a few during some of our iready time too, to help them master these difficult objectives. During PTC I will show your child’s progress through the iready programs. It really is phenomenal how it works on individual levels and helps them to achieve personal goals. 

This new schedule will be up and running starting next week. I will send personal email invites for kiddos when they are under mastery level. If you do not receive an email, that means that your child has shown mastery on that particular subject.
I hope that after our teacher training on Wednesday, I will be able to send you information on how to check out your student’s grades on teacherease; our new grading system. But at this time there are still a few little quirks that they are working on.

Mondays and Thursdays will be the tutoring days from 3:00 – 3:20. I will put the exact standard on my page schedule. If your child wants to come and is not personally invited. That is just fine. They can have refreshers or if you are noticing (when you can see their grades) that they are slipping in an area of mastery. Send them whenever you want. The tutoring will start next week, but due to Fall Break and PTC’s. There will only be tutoring on Monday. The week of Halloween will be the first week for both Mon. and Thurs. tutoring. 
Thank you so much for your help in my classroom and for all you do at home. I truly love teaching these amazing kiddos.
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Young
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Parent Teacher Conferences

Hello –
It is that time of year again. Parent Teacher Conferences will be on October 23 (Tuesday) and October 25 (Thursday). Please use the link below to sign up for a time.

Parent Conference Sign up

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STEM groups (Saga has begun!)

Hello Parents –
Here are our first STEM groups of the year. It has taken a while to get all our systems up and running. But I am so happy with this group. They work so good together and they are so much fun! These STEM projects are helping them to get ready for our FINAL big STEM… Mission to MARS! More to come on that later! Enjoy these cute kiddos. I sure do!!!
Thanks again,
Mrs. Young
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10/8 – 10/12: Weekly Update

Hello Parents and Students-
We are doing some amazing work in class. Small ELA groups are FINALLY set up. Math Iready is taking off and so is Reading Iready. Those are two (on individual level learning). I already have two students who have “Mastered Up” to Associates Degree. We will be giving out degrees at the end of the quarter. Students can always continue to “Master” their objectives on tests and Iready. I will start after school Math tutoring soon. With our new rigorous Ready Math Program it has been a jump. But a good one. We set the bar High here at Quest. And YES our kiddos will succeed with hard work! But some need tutoring and I will set that schedule up and send personal email invites here shortly.
Thank you so much for your love and support in our classroom. Last day of first quarter is Tuesday, October 16. First day of 2nd Quarter starts Monday, October 22.

Schedule for this week:
Reading: Unit 1 Review: Compare/Contrast Literature and informational texts; Understand the parts of a literature story–Language: Suffix and Prefixes; Complete sentences

Math: Finished up NBT 6 Division —Starting NBT7 add/sub. decimals—-then multiplying decimals

Writing: All about ME essays!

Science: Starting Electricity Unit with Mrs. Jaques

Coming UP…. 
*Fall BREAK — October 17-19
*End of Qt. 1 —-October 10
*Qt. 2 begins —- October 22
*Book Report DUE! —-October 29
*Halloween (short day)—-October 31
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