Math FUN!

Hello Parents –
I wanted to share some video of our kiddos playing a math game. They are comparing fractions using the lining up the decimal method. They also practiced saying the numbers and deciding which number was greatest and least. It was fun and I hope gave a boost of energy for math. We have a challenging curriculum, but you can achieve anything, if you put your mind to it!!!

Have a great rest of the week!
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Class Party:

Hello Parents and Guardians –
Our class has earned a Read – a – Thon party. They are allowed to bring on Tuesday, September 18: 1 cuddly, music, or books to listen to or read. The school and myself are not responsible for any devices your child chooses to bring, but I will have a spot behind my desk to keep the devices until it can be used for the party. The cuddly must be something they can fit in their back packs and keep in their lockers until the party starts. The party will be the last hour of the day. Our students are doing great and are starting to master up on different objectives. Keep encouraging reading each night for at least 20 minutes and I will be sending book report rubrics home tomorrow (Sept. 12). Please sign the permission slip if your child is allowed to have a treat during the read a thon. They have not earned this yet. It was a prize for selling 100 sales. We did not reach that, so I wanted to give them a shot to earn it again with points of proper sound level behavior. Please make sure to put your child’s name and your name in the permission.
It has been brought to my attention an error on the form. It won’t allow you to pick both choices. I will revise it and fix it by tomorrow after school. I am sorry for the delay. I do have a couple parents who already informed me it is ok. I will count that as signed. Thanks again, sorry for the form malfunction. lol

Permission Slip
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Weekly Update: September 3 – 7

Hello Parents and Students –
It has been a great first month of school! Our students are getting used to the routines and rules. I am almost done testing and getting the computer systems up and running. We have started our learning objectives and the students are excited to start earning their passport stickers and starting to “Master Up”. Also POQA has started our yearly fundraiser with selling cookies and beef jerky. If you just want to donate to the school and not buy the cookies, $10 will count as 1 sale for your child. Thank you for all the support you give our school! We couldn’t do it without you. Reminder: this fundraiser is where we get a majority of our money for field trips and special events ran by POQA.

What are we learning:
  • Math:  Demonstrate understanding that ones place is ten times bigger than than the tenths place.
  • Reading: Cite evidence from the text to help describe characters, setting, and plot.
  • Writing: Write a complete sentence while recognizing fragments and run ons.
  • Science: Heredity
  • S.S. tba

Upcoming Dates:
September 3 – Labor Day : No School
September 6-7: Dibels Testing (very important for students to be on time and in attendance)
September 10 : Cookie/Jerky orders DUE!
September 28: Dollar Dress Down

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August… Here we go again! oxoxox

Hello my new 5th graders and their parents-

Please check out my blog. So far most of the homework and pages have been updated to give you the most recent information possible. I love teaching and I LOVE the excitement we all get at the beginning of a new year. I strive to keep that momentum going all the way to the end… but will need you and your parents support to accomplish that goal. Here are a few upcoming events you will want to put on your calendars! See you soon…. 
Mrs. Young

August 17 – Back to School Night @ 5:30
August 21 – First Day of School (early out)
August 22 – 24 – Early Out!
September 3 – Labor Day (No School)

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Get ready…for the climb to success!

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July! fireworks, 4th of July, food, and fun!

Hello my future students – and any past students who can’t let me go. JK

I hope you are having an excellent summer. This is the best time for you to get outside to explore, cuddle up under a tree and read a book, or just laze around the pool and soak up the sun.  For all my future parents… please check out the link for our classroom supplies and individual supply list. I have noticed a TON of sales going on and I want you to take full advantage of them. Please remember desks have little room, so please don’t buy more than requested. The students will have limited space already. 5th grade does have lockers and you are allowed to hang things inside and decorate. But remember it is where jackets, backpacks, and other items need to be kept as well.

On that short note, I will let you get back to your summer fun!
See you soon!!!
Mrs. Young

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School’s Out For Summer!

It has been an awesome and rewarding year. I am truly grateful for my students and their wonderful parents! I received such an amazing welcome to Quest. I also was showered with love and respect. Every child has touched my heart and will forever be a part of me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have given me this year. Truly it has been an amazing adventure. Have a wonderful summer and I can’t wait to see you all back next FALL!!!
Love always and forever,
Mrs. Young
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Jr. High Clubs!

Dear Parents and Future Jr. High Students –
Here are the clubs that Quest Academy provides and when they begin!!! I will miss you… Enjoy 6th Grade!
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Final Climb!

Our students did great at “Mastering” their objectives this year! They worked hard on every objective and did great at ROCKIN’ the TEST! I couldn’t be more proud of my students. I hate to give you away to 6th grade. But if I have to, Quest Jr. High is the best…xoxoxoxo

  • Lillian Bingham
  • Forrest Draper
  • Allie Teichert
  • Isaac Hayes
  • Gavin Thomas
  • Cole Duckworth
  • Amelia Jones
  • Kenzie Blakely
  • Logan Peterson
  • Tristan Young
  • Cole Duckworth
  • Jada Villodres
  • Xander Malloy
  • Brielle Wray
  • Adriel DeHorney
  • Owen Taylor
  • Kaydin Berry
  • Evie Brown
  • Nora Butler
  • Connor Anderson
  • Abby Christensen
  • Connor Anderson
  • Nora Butler
  • Evie Brown
  • Adriel DeHorney
  • Brielle Wray
  • Jaxon Slaugh
  • Morgan Snitker
2nd Doctorate:
  • Ariana Strain
  • Samuel Crimin
Congratulations on all your accomplishments you earned through “Hard Work”, “Perseverance”, and “GRIT Mentality”!
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Class Officers!

Here are next years officers!!!
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Field Day Treat! permission slip

Here is our final (TREAT) permission slip! Thank you so much for helping our classroom and keeping up with the standards at Quest Academy! See you next year…
Treat Permission
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