Sage Testing Schedule:

Hello – I have posted the schedule for Sage on a few posts, but never labeled it. So I hope this is a fast route in finding out when our class will be taking certain Sage Tests. I am actually not worried about Sage this year. The students are very prepared and have been working hard all year. I know they will rock it and will do their best. 
PS – I have loved teaching these great kiddos, AND I am grateful for the great parents, faculty, and board members that have helped make QUEST so great!Sage Schedule:

Science- April 30 @8:45 – 9:30 and May 1 @11 – 11:45

Writing – May 2 @ 11- 11:45 and May 3 @ 10:15 – 11:00
ELA – May 14 @ 11-11:45 and May 15 @ 8:45 – 9:30
Math – May 16 @9:30 – 10:15 and May 17 @9:30-10:15
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Student Elections: for 6th grade office 2018/2019

Here are the directions for Student Elections: Please read through them carefully. The administration will send us a link to put on our blogs for the application. It is not ready at this time.

Election Schedule
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Upcoming School Events:

Help out our Rube Goldberg! Here are two ways you can help send them to Chicago!
 Dress Down April 13
Car Wash

Thanks for all you do at Quest,
Mrs. Young and the Administration!
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Weekly Update: March 26 – 30

Hello Again- 
Be sure to check out the new page (Tutoring) for schedules on different math concepts being reviewed. Also be sure to check out who “Mastered Up”. Don’t forget $1 dress down this Friday and SPRING BREAK which means NO SCHOOL April 2 – 6. I will miss you, but let’s live it up and be ready to get back for the final stretches of the school year!

We are learning: 
Math: Finishing up on reading graphs and creating them. Also starting 2D shapes and focusing on their attributes.

Reading: Compare/Contrast different components of two or more stories.

Language: Adjectives

Writing: Theme Writing

Science: Magnetism 

S.S.: Different Wars and their outcomes.

Also if you would take a look back at my Sage Testing Schedule, just so you are prepared and so is your child for those times. Try not to miss unless it is a major emergency. Get plenty of sleep, and have a great breakfast! 
PS – Sign the gum permission slip too!
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“Master Ups”

I am so proud of all my students accomplishments. They have been working so hard to “Master Up” on their objectives. When they receive 80% or higher on their tests they get a passport sticker, 100% on the first try (2 stickers) in their “Adventure Books” aka “Data Folders”. Once they get 10 stickers they Move up on the board. Our levels are Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate. And the Award Goes To…

  • Kaydin Berry
  • Kenzie Blakely
  • Jaxon Slaugh
  • Logan Peterson
  • Tristan Young
  • Nora Butler
  • Abby Christensen
  • Owen Taylor
  • Xander Malloy
  • Jada Villodres
  • Jaxon Slaugh
  • Brielle Wray
  • Samuel Crimin
  • Ariana Strain
  • Adriel DeHorney
  • Jenevieve Brown
  • Ariana Strain
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Tuesday/Thursday Tutoring

Hello –
It is Friday, YAY! The students have been working so hard on their Mastery Goals and are striving for higher learning. I am so proud of how hard they are working and doing this year. It seems crazy that we are now in Quarter 4 of the year. I will be sad to say good -bye. Luckily I still have a few more weeks with these wonderful kiddos.
I will be starting tutoring for the final part of the year. Most of the students have been mastering their objectives after the 2nd try of testing. After the 3rd Quarter math test I noticed that we are missing a little bit of retainment and remembering of those standards that have already been mastered. I plan on starting this Tuesday, March 27 to do Tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday. I will also keep spiral reviewing, and pulling the students during center time to work on their weak areas.
I will have a schedule put on the blog for what objective I will be focusing on during that certain tutor session. I will have the schedule done by Monday after school. I will inform kiddos of their areas they need to work on and email parents when I think the student would benefit staying after to tutor. Not all students need to work on every objective so be looking for that email. 
Again, everyone is doing great…working hard… and I couldn’t be more proud. I just want to have a final push of retainment for the end of level testing and before I have to send them off to 6th grade. I sure will miss you all, and them. Thank you for being apart of my class. It has been fabulous!

Mrs. Young

PS – Remember Spring Break is April 2 – 6 (There will be no tutoring on those days.)
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Parent Night (Jr. High Information)

“We are excited to offer a Junior Parent Night! Come learn about all the exciting clubs, sports and events we offer at Q2. Our cutting-edge math program, Edgenuity, allows students a comprehensive and rewarding personalized learning experience. As Jr. High students, they have the opportunity to work will new teachers and take elective courses that interest them. Please join us for this informational Junior Parent Night to learn and answer any questions you may have!”


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CARNIVAL FLYER! please sign up

HEllo again parents… boy you have never received 3 posts in one day… well here it is!
Please sign up for our carnival!
Carnival Flyer (1)
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Electronic Party! March 15 (last hour of the day!)

Hello Families-
This post is to inform you that my students have earned an electronic party for keeping their sound level under control. It has been a long time coming. So they are very very excited. They are allowed to bring an electronic device or ipads will be available. Everyone must obey the rules and standards of the school. Also if a child does choose to bring an electronic the school and myself are not responsible for any devices that may get broken or stolen. 
I will collect them at the beginning of the day, and store them behind my desk until the last hour. 
Thank you for all your help and support in my classroom. This has been the best year…so far…and I am truly sad to see it coming to an end. 
Thank you again,
Mrs. Young
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New Link for Yearbooks!

I guess the link I set up before may not have worked. Here is another one if there is a problem ordering. Thanks so much! 
2nd Yearbook Link
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