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Weekly Update: March 12 – 16

The weeks just seem to be flying by…  I must admit, I have loved the little taste of spring in the air. But I won’t expect it to last. After all this is Utah. Ha

* Maturation is on March 13 – Girls 8:45 – 9:45 in the Q2 Gym. Boys 9:45 – 10:45 in the Q2 Gym. When students are not in maturation they will be in class.
*Unit 4 Reading Test 
*Quarter 3 Math Test

We are learning:
  • Math: Finishing up G.1 and starting G.2 – Coordinate planes and graphing. Integrating the data and making their own graphs. Also Quarter Math Review of everything we have learned for the year.
  • Reading: Unit 5 Week 1 – Character, setting, plot/ compare and contrast components of the story. (Realistic Fiction)
  • Language – Clauses
  • Science – Finishing up electricity – starting magnets
  • S. S. – 

* Important Dates:
-March 16: End of Quarter 3 – please check report cards on line
-March 17: St. Patrick’s Day
-March 26: Parent Meeting for 5th and 6th grade students planning on attending Quest Jr. High @ 5-6
-April 1 : Easter / April Fool’s Day
-April 2 – 6 (No School / Spring Break)

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Late Post-Sorry! Week: March 5 – 9

Hello my wonderful parents and students –
I am so sorry that I was unable to get a post out till now. I have had some misfortune in my personal life and missed a couple of days. I will have grades updated by (no later than Monday, March 15) and I’m glad to inform you that the kiddos are doing great with all the challenging objectives that they are hitting in our different learning areas. Please do not forget about Maturation on March 13. Girls will be in the Q2 gym at 8:45 – 9:45. Boys will be from 9:45 – 10:45. 
What we are learning:
  • Math: Plotting on Coordinate planes. (AND end of Quarter Test Review)
  • Reading: Unit 4 Review: Theme, Main Idea, Author’s point of View
  • Writing: Essay and Theme writing in paragraph formation. Follow RACE standards.
  • Science: Electricity (this has been a really fun unit)
  • Social Studies: Current Events “Food Around the World” and they were able to search Dogonews for News around the world.
  • Language: All verbs, All Pronouns, Homographs, and Homophones.

Sage Tests:
* It is that time of year again to prepare for our Sage Test. Here is the schedule and also a link to give permission for your child to have gum during all the tests. I will provide the gum and discuss the rules with the students. It seems to help concentration when you have a fine motor moving.
*Another thing that will help is a great night sleep. Please help your kiddo be to bed early and stick to a strict schedule, so that the next morning they can not feel rushed and are able to eat a great breakfast.
*Thank you for all the support you give my class and my students. It has been a great year, and I can’t wait to go out with a BANG!!! 

Sage Schedule:
Science- April 30 @8:45 – 9:30 and May 1 @11 – 11:45
Writing – May 2 @ 11- 11:45 and May 3 @ 10:15 – 11:00
ELA – May 14 @ 11-11:45 and May 15 @ 8:45 – 9:30
Math – May 16 @9:30 – 10:15 and May 17 @9:30-10:15

Permission for Gum

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Dr. Seuss Day!

First we get to dress up to celebrate our favorite Dr. Seuss character! Then we are celebrating by competing in an “Epic” challenge to read the most books this week! To help with that… we had a read – a – thon… Nothing is better than cuddling up with some friends and a good book!
Thank you so much friends and family for all the support you give my kiddos. We have such a wonderful school and students to go with it!
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!!

“You’re off to great places! Today is your day! You’re mountain is waiting… Get on your way!” 
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Weekly Update: February 26 – March 2

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!!

Hello my wonderful Peeps –
I hope you had a great weekend. I was excited, until the snow hit. JK I do love my snow, just more in December and January and less in February…anyways, again, it was GREAT to meet with all my parents and kiddos. You are all the best and I just love the atmosphere you and your children bring to my classroom. Coming up this week we will do some fun things with Dr. Seuss books and learn a little about him, along with our Wonders program and finishing up with our “Tuck Everlasting”. 
This week we will be learning and mastering:

  • Math: Finishing up additive volume and beginning coordinate planes. 
  • Reading: focusing on the theme of poetry
  • Language: Pronouns and Homophones
  • Writing: “Tuck Everlasting”Essay – Would you have drunk the water? also – Utah Compose (Geysers)
  • Science: Electricity – experimenting and testing
  • Social Studies: Settling Pennsylvania (New Colonies)
Upcoming Events:
  • February 27, March 6 and 13 – Choir Club
  • March 2 – Dr. Seuss Day – (read a thon) and (Dress Up)
  • March 7 – Discovery Gateway (at school)
  • March 13 – 8:45- 9:45 girls 9:45 – 10:45 boys :Maturation
  • April 2 -6 (No School) Spring Break

*Some students and parents expressed concern of help needed for retaining their math concepts. Front Row is an excellent source that students can use as extra practice at home. They can go onto the Map and work the concept they are struggling on. For students who want a challenge; they too can go there for an extension. We do it in centers for our classroom. But all students can do this during their free time at home too.
*Epic is another source to help with the reading retainment. It is based on their levels as well. Also this week we are trying to do our best to compete in a competition across the nation for “Dr. Seuss’s birthday”! Remember to get at least 20 to 30 min. in a night!
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February 20 – 23

Hello Everyone:
It has been a great week. We have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. I was able to meet with almost every parent and child, watch their wax museums, practice sage, learned volume, progressed learning the author’s point of view, and understand complex pronouns. We also finished a Lockdown Drill and our first try at Utah compose. Most important, Don’t forget to SIGN and send in the MATURATION permission slip! Wow! I am so proud of my students and all their accomplishments. I am so grateful for my wonderful parents who are willing to support our classroom and the standards that we set. I loved meeting with you this week and talking. Our community is truly wonderful. 

NEXT WEEK: Here is a heads up for February 26 – March 2:
  • Math: Finishing up Volume. This time they have to split up shapes to solve two different volumes and then add them together for a total volume.
  • Reading: Unit 4 Week 5 – This is a poetry unit, focusing on Themes.
  • Language: Pronouns and Homophones
  • Writing: Utah Compose (Geysers as a topic)Practicing RACE: R – restate the question by turning it into a statement. A- answer all parts of the questions. C – cite examples and evidence from the text. E – explain how your evidence supports your answer.
  • Science – Electricity – This week we will review, have some hands on experiences and hopefully test.
  • Social Studies – finishing up with the Olympics with a fun Kahoots, and moving on to discussing how the country formed after the 13 colonies were established.
  • (Current Event) Soar – Snowboarding in the Olympics

Have a great weekend and I will see you back here bright and early Monday morning. 
PS – Remember your library books, our next genre will be Legends and Myths!!!!
PPS – Great Job on ALL your biographies. They were AWESOME!
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Weekly Update: February 12 – 16

It is such a great week! I love Valentine’s Day and everything it stands for; showing the people we care most about how much we love them! A few reminders or clarification on different events in the classroom.
  • First, Valentine’s Boxes, Bags, whatever you want to bring to carry home your valentines in is fine with me. We may have a fun little contest about faves…but PLEASE do not stress about it. It should be fun and something your child can collect things in. Do not break the bank! HA
  • Next, our “Wax Museums” I only spoke to the students for a moment about this today. But February 15 – #’s 1-15 will BRING their costumes and record their speeches on seesaw with Mrs. Yates. February 16 – #’s 16 – 26 will do it then. Please do NOT wear costumes to school. If you choose to do hair or make up to enhance the experience that is fine. But clothes will change during their time. Thank you so much for all the help.
(please do not go over board on this either, I even told one girl, who is doing an elaborate girl from the renaissance, just to draw a picture of the outfit on a poster and hold it up. I do not want to break the bank here either.) 

MATH: Testing on 5MD2 – reading line plots, and distributing amounts equally.
Starting 5 MD 3 – Measuring and understanding volume.

READING: Unit 4 Week 3 – Author’s point of view… they are struggling a little with this on the testing. So I am going to try to hit this from another direction. I am also going to go through the last two tests with the kiddos and have them see and learn from past mistakes. They are doing GREAT with Essay writing!

WRITING: Focusing on Biographies (Wax Museum)


Social Studies – Olympics 2018!

GRAMMAR – Verb/Pronoun agreements

—Please remember to sign the Valentine’s Day permission slip if you haven’t yet. AND if you bring a card or something to share… it CANNOT be edible.
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Parent Teacher Conferences:

It is that time of year again to meet and discuss the great accomplishments of our students. This time we have a great event of sharing our wax museums that will be on the Seesaw accounts. Please sign up using the link below:

Parent Teacher Conference Sign up

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“Master UP”

I am proud to announce students who received their Associates and Bachelors this month in “Master Up”.

And the Associates goes to….
  • Lillian Bingham
  • Kenzie Blakely
  • Forrest Draper
  • Cole Duckworth
  • Isaac Hayes
  • Amelia Jones
  • Xander Malloy
  • Jada Villodres
  • Taylor Slater
  • Guillermo Smith
  • Allie Teichert
  • Gavin Thomas
  • Tristan Young
And the Bachelors goes to…
  • Connor Anderson
  • Jenevieve Brown
  • Samuel Crimin
  • Adriel DeHorney
  • Morgan Snitker
  • Ariana Strain
  • Brielle Wray

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Weekly Update: February 5 – 9

Hello Parents and Students-
Remember we are working on our Biographies this month as a book share for Quarter 3. Please make sure to review the packets with your parents so they are aware of the due dates. The first one coming up fast is the Biography Bookmark, it is due on February 8 (THIS THURSDAY). Next week right after Valentine’s Day we will have a few record each day on SeeSaw their speeches. Please do not buy major costumes for the presentations, just use what you have around the house. You do not need to wear it to school, just have it ready to change into if called upon to work on your speech. Parents will be able to view their child’s biography on Seesaw during parent teacher conferences Tuesday, Feb. 20 or Thurs., Feb. 22. I am excited for the students to share their many objectives mastered through this project. I hope this is fun and a great learning experience. 
This week we are learning:

Math: Finishing up on multiplying and dividing fractions — starting on 5MD2 which is line plots with fractions and understanding distributing equally.

Reading: point of view of the author and reader

Grammar – kinds of pronouns (when to use them)

Writing – Biography Bookmark

Science – Heredity, test this week

Social Studies -Biographies of different famous people (Olympics)
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