Mission to Mars!

Hello Parents –
I am so excited to report that we have started our preparation for Mission to Mars. Mission to Mars is a special event that only 5th grade can participate in around the state. Students are put into groups and given the challenge to solve “How would you survive if going to Mars?” Now with that they have a habitat that will be built at Weber State on April 26. I NEED 1 parent per group to attend the function on that day. If I have more per group that will be fine. I may also need some help cutting the plastic for the habitats prior to April 26th. That date has not been set yet.
If you are willing to help your child with this task, and want to sign up for a group, please email me your name and which group you would like to be apart of.
I will put a link to the main job that the students will be building at WSU on April 26th. It is a fun project and it is  a one time opportunity.  I know there will be more questions on the parents job. But the main one is April 26th helping build the habitat at Weber State.

Mission to Mars


Pink: Nora, Tristan, Gavin, Morgan, Allie, Evie, A.J., Amelia

Green: Logan, Isaac, Xander, Brielle, Sam, Ariana, Kenzie, Taylor, Owen

Blue: Connor, Jaxon, Jada, Guillermo, Cole, Kaydin, Abby, Lillian, Forrest
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Week: January 26 – February 2

Wow— this week started and I forgot to post what we are doing this week.

We are learning:
  • Math: Fractions—multiplying and dividing–but with a twist. The students need to learn the why and practice estimating their answers before they actually do the solving. It is difficult, but we can “Master Up” it will just take some practice.
  • Reading: The students will compare and contrast different sections of literature, example (character, problem, setting, plot)
  • Language: Pronouns (I added this because my students are struggling with grammar, so I am working on guiding them better and hopefully you at home can help too.)
  • Writing: Students will make up their own Tall Tale to explain something factual using fiction fun.
  • Science: Heredity is still on the agenda. Testing will hopefully happen this week.
  • STEM: Designing our patches for “Mission to Mars” I will have groups made and be asking for parent volunteers for each group. I need at least one adult per group and they need to be able to come on April 26 to Weber State for our Final Project.
  • S.S: Still working on the “New Colonies” and Current Event was Google with Personality!

Here are some pictures of the class doing their book shares on January 31… It was great and I will have grades posted on Friday! Thanks so much for your help and support at home!
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Weekly Update: Jan. 22 -26

Hello Everyone –
Hope you had a great weekend! They go by quickly. I am excited to remind parents that book reports are due on Jan. 31. Also to keep checking out SeeSaw, where the kiddos are putting their summaries and predictions of “Tuck Everlasting”.
We will be starting a new math concept this week and reviewing all Unit 3 reading standards for our big Unit 3 test. 
Parent Teacher conferences will be coming up on Feb. 20 and 22…watch for the sign up. The Prior post had a permission slip for everyone to sign for our Valentine’s Party!

Here are the student names if any kiddo feels incline to write names on their valentines. Remember… It is not mandatory, but if you choose to give one, you must give one to EVERYONE… and NO FOOD items included. Thank you soooo much!

Math: Students will be multiplying and Dividing fractions.

Reading: Reviewing Unit 3 standards (theme, main idea, supporting evidence) (verbs, latin roots)

Writing: Compare and Contrasting texts

Science: Heredity

S.S.: Current Events, and New Colonies

NEW BOOK: “Tuck Everlasting” reading with partners, “Wrinkle in Time” reading as whole group.

Class List:
  1. Connor
  2. Kaydin
  3. Lillian
  4. Kenzie
  5. Evie
  6. Nora
  7. Abby
  8. Sam
  9. A.J.
  10. Forrest
  11. Cole
  12. Isaac
  13. Amelia
  14. Xander
  15. Logan
  16. Jada
  17. Taylor
  18. Jaxon
  19. Guillermo
  20. Morgan
  21. Ariana
  22. Owen
  23. Allie
  24. Gavin
  25. Brielle
  26. Tristan
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Valentine’s Day Party!

  Hello Parents and Students –   
       On February 14th our class will be having our Valentine’s party. We will be having a Valentine Card exchange in conjunction with the party. Students are welcome to bring a decorated box or bag. The card exchange is optional. If your student would like to participate please remember that food items are NOT allowed with the cards. Toys, pencils, erasers, etc. are allowed to accompany cards, but are not required. Any students participating will need to bring a card for each member of our class, 26 students total.

     We will also be having a class party from 1:00-3:00 pm. We will be using food items as part of our party. Please click on the link below allowing permission for your student to handle and consume the following items. There will be optional items for students who are not able to have them.

Please sign the permission slip below:

Valentine’s Day Permission Slip

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Choir Club

Hello my 5th graders-
Mrs. Parr and myself will be doing a Choir Club starting February 6. We are so excited to incorporate music and presentation! We will be focusing on a patriotic theme. Please sign the permission slip soon … at this time, we do not have limited space. 
Thank you for your hard work and appreciation,
Mrs. Young

Choir Permission Slip

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Student Books aka Fractured Fairy Tales

Dear Parents 
I am so sorry for all the confusion with the books that your children have published. Short story, they were shipped later than promised by the company. They arrived while we were on Christmas Break, then shipped back to the company while they were on Christmas Break and now they are in the oblivian and no one knows what has happened to them. Maybe Supernatural Guys (Dean and Sam) will find them. Anyways, they were reprinted and mailed to us a few days ago. Here is the information from the company feel free to contact them with any further questions.
Again I am sorry for this MAJOR inconvenience.

Thanks for all your help and support,
Mrs. Young


January 10, 2018


Dear Parents,

I want to apologize that your student’s book shipment was return. We are now in the process of reprinting all the books that were in those boxes. These books should be received at the school in about 2 weeks.

If there is anything I can help you with, you are welcome to contact me directly at cmcpherson@studentreasures.com or call me at (800) 867-2292. 

Best Regards,

Christine McPherson

Customer Service Supervisor

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Message from the Administration

Regarding Badges:
We are hoping to get some help with an issue we are having at the school regarding missing name badges. As stated in our Handbook, “Everyone is required to wear their name badge to attend class (the name badge must be that of the current school year). Please reinforce having name badges as they create a safer environment at the school. To replace a lost name badge, your child will need to pay $5.00 for a new one. A student without a name badge will be referred to the office to call home. Parents/Guardians will be expected to bring their child’s name badge or pay $5.00 for a replacement. Only then will students be allowed to return to class.” Elementary students are to leave their name badges in their classrooms at the end of the day. Jr. High students are encouraged to leave their name badges in their lockers before leaving. To ensure your child receives a full day’s worth of learning in the classroom, please make sure their name badge is left at school and returned the following day if accidentally taken home. Please note, that you have this week as a grace period to either find your child’s lost name badge or replace it for $5.00. Starting Tuesday, January 16 (one week from today), students who do not have name badges will not be attending class until a new one is purchased or their old one is returned. If parents are working when their children call, they are more than welcome to either pay for a badge using a credit card over the phone or to pay online
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Week: January 8 – 12

Hello Everyone!
I hope that the Holidays and the long break were relaxing and fun.I have to do an EXTRA :THANK YOU! to all of you, for my wonderful Christmas presents you and your child gave me. I have never felt more appreciated or cared about in all my years of teaching. From the homemade cards and ornaments to the jewelry and smelly candles. I was overwhelmed by your love. Words will never begin to express my gratitude for those precious gifts.
Now back to work we go!
We will get into our normal routine with Reading, Math, Writing, Science (STEM), and a touch of Social Studies.  Things to look forward to at PTC in February. I will have some raw scores for what level our kiddos are at on the SAGE spectrum, but also be sure to stay updated on your child’s mastery level for different objectives in the Common Core. Each month I will update the students data folders and keep reminding them of their personal goals on the back of their emojis.
This Week we are learning:
  • Math: Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denomators
  • Reading: Unit 3 Week 4: Main Idea (using key details or events)
  • Writing: Compare and Contrast Essay using all the steps in the writing process
  • Science: Heredity
  • STEM: Mission to Mars (research)
  • Social Studies: Comparing the New Colonies
Remember Spelling Words and Vocabulary words can be found on that seperate page.
AND Book Reports will be due: January 31 (Project: Turn a fictional chapter book into a picture book)
Objective: Checking for Comprehension and Sequence of Main Events

Other Important Dates: 
* Every Monday is Library and STEM (in computer lab)
*January 12 – End of Quarter 2
*January 16 – Quarter 3 Begins (check grades on aspire)
* January 15 – NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Day
*again January 31 – Book Report Due
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I am overwhelmed with feelings right now. I have never felt such love and appreciation from my students and their parents as I did this Holiday Season. Thank you for your sweet gifts, thank yous, and kind words expressed to me this year.
Also, our class had a choice of how we would celebrate and a majority chose Secret Santa presents. They did great and the picture below will show how wonderful they did sharing a present with a chance name. All my students did great, and really shared the Season of Giving!
Thank you to everyone for this wonderful start to our year! Have a great break and I will be excited to see you again on January 3!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Mrs. Young
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Friday Donations!

Hi –
I had a lot of parents ask about donating items for the Friday party… I would LOVE some help! If you will comment below that you are bringing something so we don’t have too many of one item that would be great.
We need:
*2 bags of popcorn (like from costco or sams)
*styrofoam cups
*hot coco (easiest is the big orange thermos)
*sugar cookies (25)
Thank you in advance!
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