December 11 -15

Dear Parents and Students –
I cannot believe we are already the last week till Christmas Break. This year is flying by so fast. The students are “Mastering Up” their objectives and we had MANY who earned their 5th Grade Associates level this week. We celebrated by handing out their keychain holders and certificates. We were grateful that Miss Angelee and Dr. Dave could come help us celebrate.
Associates Level:
  • Connor Anderson
  • Kaydin Berry
  • Jenevieve Brown
  • Nora Butler
  • Abby Christensen
  • Samuel Crimin
  • Adriel DeHorney
  • Logan Peterson
  • Jaxon Slaugh
  • Morgan Snitker
  • Ariana Strain
  • Owen Taylor
  • Brielle Wray
I am so proud of all of you for this GREAT accomplishment!!! We have a few now ready to “Master Up” again that we will celebrate after the break!
File_000 (1)

PS – Reminders – (We are learning the same objectives as last week in all subjects.) “Fun Friday” assignments need to be done by Thursday this week to participate. Secret Santa gifts… please stick to the $3 limit. If anyone needs help with this let me know. Also, bring the gifts in by Thursday. 
Friday Schedule:
8:30 – Bell work 
9:00 – Sing Along
9:30 – Present Exchange
10:30 – PJ Party — Yummy/ snuggly/ “Polar Express”
12:00 – Lunch
12:30 – Recess
1:00 – Read Aloud (Christmas Stories)
I will see you all back here January 3! I will miss you so much!

PPS – I will assign a few practice assignments on Front Row for students to practice on over break. It will not be mandatory, but HIGHLY suggested that they practice at least twice on Front Row during the break sometime. AND REMEMBER TO ALWAYS READ! READ! READ!
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Weekly Post (December 4 – 8)

Hello Parents and Students –
I hope you had a great weekend. I was so happy to see snow. It helps me to complete my holiday experience. Anyways, back to the important stuff. Parents need to fill out our Winter Party permission slip and there is another permission on that one, that covers a book we are going to read and analyze together. The lesson’s objective is on other perspectives. We will also compare and contrast the theme of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” with the theme of “Anne of Green Gables”. Where the book brings up a lot in the christian belief; I wanted to inform and get parent permission.

Also, we as a class, decided to do a “Secret Santa” exchange on Dec. 15. Today (Monday 12/4) we will draw a name from the class and are in charge of getting that person a gift for no more than $3. This will hopefully bring in the holiday spirit and go along with looking at others’ perspectives too.

What we are learning:
Math – Finishing up on metric and standard conversions – starting fractions adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and simplifying. FUN FUN FUN!!!! This will be going into next week and a couple weeks in January.
( Quite a few students struggled with the decimal test. I will be working with them during small groups and also using Front Row. I may assign a few practice problems in the next few days to some students) All students should have showed their parents the test. So if you did not see it, please, check with them.

Reading- Continuing theme and main idea. In spelling we are focusing on open syllables and in vocabulary we are working on the skill of using context clues to find out the meaning of a word. In grammar we will focus on verb tenses.

Writing – We are focusing on paragraphs. Topic sentences, at least 3 details with evidence or support behind them, and conclusions. The project I am looking at is our practice book report. The students are required to turn a read aloud book “Wait till Helen Comes” into a condense version with pictures. It also works on the skill in reading (sequence of events). Real Book Reports will be due January 31. I am sending the rubric home today of the criteria set for grading.

Science – Earth surface compared to Mars surface this will help them with their future project “Mission to Mars”.

Social Studies – A few extra things to work on with all this, is learning about different cultures and traditions from other countries. 

*Important Dates:
December 15 – last day of the year. Ha… funny to say it that way.  
(We will have a sing along, pajama party, while watching Polar Express) Students may bring 1 cuddly item to snuggle with during the movie. Also our Secret Santa exchange will take place on that day too. Please remember (no edible items are permitted)
December 18 – January 2 (NO SCHOOL)

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Holiday Party and Permission!

Dear Parents –

We are going to have a Winter Party on the final day before Winter Break, Friday, December 15. The party will consist of treats and watching the movie “The Polar Express”. Please sign the permission slip link below to allow them to eat the snacks we will be having and permission for the movie.

In our reading, we will also be studying excerpts from the book “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” and I would like to show the students a few scenes from the movie. This book contains religious talk and I wanted parents to give permission to discuss the book with the knowledge that a Christian religion will be mentioned, but will not be the topic of conversation or lesson. The topic of the lesson will be about perspective and seeing from others’ points of view.

If you could sign that part as well, to give permission, that would be great. If anyone would rather their child opt out of this lesson and reading, I will arrange a different assignment for them to do while they others participate in this one.

Thank you so much for everything so far this year! I have enjoyed every last minute of my work days with your children and working with you. Have a wonderful Holiday Season! I will truly miss everyone until I see you again January 3!

Permission Slip

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Mrs. Young

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Welcome Back! Week 11/27 – 11/30

Hello –
Welcome Back! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday week off. I had fun too. We will be pushing forward with our curriculum, even though Christmas Break is coming, we still have 3 weeks of hard work ahead of us. Be sure to stay focus and Mastering our objectives.
We are learning this week:

Math: 5.1 MD (Metric/Standard system conversions) Students will need to be able to convert in real world problems that may have more than one step involved.

Reading: (Theme/Summarizing) Students will be able to use the summarizing skill to help them determine the theme of a fictional story.

Writing: Informative – Students will be able to research a topic and write a paper following the grading rubric criteria.

Science: Earth’s Surface compared to Mars Surface (to help with upcoming “Mission to Mars”)

Social Studies: Our Essential essay question for the week is “What  can learning about different cultures teach us?” The students will need to use evidence for text we use during the week to support their answers.

*Book Report (2nd Quarter) I am going to be passing out the rubrics for the Book Reports this week. Please keep an eye out for them. I will also extend the due date into the 3rd quarter since I am a little late getting the rubric out. Thank you for all your support at home with these projects. The book genre needs to be (realistic fiction).

Upcoming Dates: December 18 – January 2 : Winter Break

Also, the Unit 2 Reading test has been corrected. It is on the computer so I am not able to send a hard copy home. Your child can log into their account at home and show you their score and any comments I made on the test.

As a whole the class is getting  a lot better with comprehending different texts. We are moving forward with answering essay questions using evidence from the text while restating the question. 

THANKS SO MUCH for all you do!

Mrs. Young
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Brain Teaser—Winners

The Brain Teaser was “Age Before Beauty”
The students who guessed right were… Ariana, Brielle, and Taylor!!!
Congratulations, you will receive your 5 tickets next Monday!

Have a great Thanksgiving BREAK!
Happy Thanksgiving! Turkey 3 Turkey2
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November 16 Board Game Party!

Hello Parents –
Our students have earned a GAME BOARD party!!! Tomorrow they can bring a game of their choice to play during our party. Remember that Mrs. Young and Quest Academy are not responsible for any lost items if your child chooses to bring a game. Thank you so much for all your support and help through out the year so far!!! 

Also a quick reminder that November 20 – 23 is NO SCHOOL for Thanksgiving Break!!! Have a great Holiday and I will see everyone back her Monday, November 26!!!!

Thanks so much,
Mrs. Young
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Weekly Update!

Hello Parents –
This week we will be learning:
Math – Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing with decimals.
Reading – Unit 2 Review (character, plot, setting) (compare/contrast) (sequence of events) (problem/solution)
Writing – Finishing up our Fractured Fairy Tales!!!! YEAH!!!
Science – Earth’s Surface
S.S. – Focusing on Current Events (Social Studies we hit more in the different books and stories we read. I will try to incorporate more historical events when time permits it.)
STEM project #3 – Learning to plant milkweed to help Monarch Butterflies!!!
(BIG thank you to Mrs. Draper for teaching this project. xoxoxox)

PS – Our class was chosen to pilot the Elementary Edgenuity program. Basically we are going to test out the program and see what we like and don’t like about it. It is a math tool to help teach the math standards set by our state. If you have any questions please email me or also you can talk to Mrs. Goldsburry and the office. 
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Reindeer Run!!!!

Be sure to support our school!!!!!
Reindeer Run
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CANS CANS… Bring us Your CANS!!!!

Here is an update on how we are doing with our can donation!!! WE haven’t hit our goal yet!!! Not for our class 179 does not = 350. AND our school goal is lacking!!!! Come on QUEST ACADEMY!! We need to “Bring it” for the final day (TOMORROW!!! FRIDAY DRESS DOWN!!)
Ice Cream Sundae (1)
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Parent Teacher Conferences

I am so excited to see all of you in the next few days to brag about your wonderful children. Here is the finalized PTC schedule. If you have any complications please let me know and I will try to accommodate to your schedule. 

Thanks again,
Mrs. Young

Tuesday, November 7

4:00 – A.J. DeHorney
4:15 – Ariana Strain
4:30 – Taylor Slater
4:45 – Samuel Crimin
5:00 – Dinner Break
5:15 – Dinner Break
5:30 – Kenzie Blakely
5:45 – Isaac Hayes
6:00 – Lillian Bingham
6:15 – Xander Malloy
6:30 – Guillermo Smith
6:45 – Jada Villodres
7:00 – Abby Christensen
7:15 – Cole Duckworth

Thursday, November 9

3:45 – Brielle Wray
4:00 – Connor Anderson
4:15 – Nora Butler
4:30 – Gavin Thomas
4:45 – Amelia Jones
5:00 – Dinner Break
5:15 – Dinner Break
5:30 – Morgan Snitker
5:45 – Logan Peterson
6:00 – Forrest Draper
6:15 – Owen Taylor
6:30 – Jada Villodres
6:45 – Kaydin Berry
7:00 – Allie Teichert
7:15 – Jaxon Slaugh
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