Ice Cream Party/ Movie Permission Slip

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NEW Homework information

Hello – I have finished the Homework Reading slips and will start sending them out on Oct. 2. They will then be due the following Monday. More information is on the homework page. 
Also my subscription is still having issues. I am working on it and will try to fix it here soon. Sorry that keeps getting pushed to the bottom of my list. But I DO want you to keep checking the blog at least once a week to see how wonderful our class is doing in STEM and other fun things!!!!
Thank for all you do,
Mrs. Young

funny1 funny2 funny3 funny4 funny5
Some funnies to brighten your day!!!!
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Final Count for our class 151!!!! 

WOWSER… I am so proud of my class and how hard they helped our school. As a school we raised way above $25,000! Also a Big THANK YOU to all the parents on POQA who stayed late to count and organize all of the money and orders. 

AND another big THANK YOU to our parents who helped their kiddos sell. It will truly help our school grow and improve to keep us up on the best learning materials and research based techniques for our kiddos!!!
Keep an eye out for different 5K runs that we will do through out the year to maintain our projects. If you ever want specifics on how the money is spent, join us at a POQA meeting. They discuss in full details the budget and where money is going! Very informative and wonderful. AND there is still room to volunteer on different committees on POQA.

I will let you know some of the volunteer projects in our classroom too. First one will be Book Clubs, (starting up in October) and Halloween!!!! If you specifically would like to plan something for our Halloween party and be the head of it, please email me. I would LOVE for parent help and ideas!!! 
Thanks again for all your help and support,

Mrs. Young
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Cookie Update…

Our Class is doing FABULOUS at selling those cookies!
Today, Friday, are at 108 cookies sold… I am so proud of all my students and how great they did at this fund raiser to help the school. 
Students are still allowed to sell over the weekend; then MONDAY, Sept. 18 please send ALL money to school with your child. We can then turn it in to POQA! 
Thank you again for all the help you parents do at home with our students. I am loving each and everyone of their sweet personalities. Thank you again for the opportunity to teach them!

Have a fabulous weekend,

Mrs. Young
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First STEM project

Bridge building is the end result and researching as a team is the job at hand. Look how engaged my students are… happy teacher dance! Learning, growing, loving it!
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SUBSCRIBE NOW…It is up and running!!!!

So sorry for the post overload lately… so much fun information that I need to inform you on!!! 
I posted awhile ago to subscribe to our blog… which is right on the front page, but unfortunately it was not working!
NOW it is up and running and you can subscribe! It is WAY EASY… even a non-techie like me figured it out…but if you do need any help let me know. I would LOVE to have all my parents following the blog for information and updates.

Speaking of upcoming events, we will be having our first BOOK SHARE! It will be due the end of October. I will send more info out and give you a rubric on how the project will be graded. 

Also READING MINUTES and a READING LOG that I am working on will be up and running the first of October. Right now I am not tracking the minutes or recording it in their homework grade. I will notify you when all those google docs are ready.

THANK YOU so much for your help and support, I am loving the atmosphere and the great setting your children give to our classroom.

Best Regards,
Mrs. Young
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Cookie Sales Information and more messages from our administration!

Notification from: Quest Academy

Quest Families,

Our cookie dough fundraiser is off and running! Let’s push hard this week to sell as much as possible. Money and order forms are due a week from today. Look on your child’s fundraiser packet for details regarding how your kids can earn the plastic collectable chicks. Remember, classrooms that sell 150 tubes of cookie dough will receive an ice cream sundae party! Also, parents, if your child sells 30 items, you will receive a voucher for a 2 night stay in Las Vegas!

We have an opening for a lunch room monitor in Q2. Hours are from 11:30am to 2:00pm (Monday through Thursday) and from 10:30am to 1:00pm on Fridays.

There is a girls volleyball game today at 4:30pm and a cross country race tomorrow at 4:30pm. Both games will be played at Quest.

Thanks for all you do to make Quest great!

Quest Administration

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Cookie Dough

Hello Parents –
We are doing a fundraiser as a school to help earn money for field trips, technology, and other manipulatives and tools that will help in our students’ learning and growth!
We need your help for this fundraiser to succeed. In our classroom we discussed how to stay safe during the selling process. Also students will be earning prizes as they go. We will be working as a classroom too, and earning little classroom prizes too. 
Thank you for all your support that you already give us. You and your children make this school as great as it is!!!!

Thanks again,
Mrs. Young

PS – Any questions will hopefully be answered by the office, and another letter in the future. I will update the blog on dates that orders can be picked up and so forth. Thanks again!!!
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First Week Fun~!

I love to teach using group work or collaborative learning. More HEADS are better than ONE! So we were able to build some group spirit with some cute cheers and skits. ENJOY!!!
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group  5
Group 6

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Lego Champions

Keep a look out for the Lego Club!!!!!!

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