Extra Credit Opportunity

In honor of Banned Books Week, I am offering an Extra Credit Opportunity to my students.  There are two options, but students may only turn in one extra credit assignment.  (If a student has me for two classes, he/she may turn in one extra credit assignment per class.)  These Extra Credit assignments will be due on Friday, October 2nd!

Extra Credit Option #1:

Take a picture of yourself or someone you know with a book/several books that has/have been banned or challenged.  You may select a book from the list in the below document or do some research yourself to find another title.  Print off your picture(s), and turn it/them in.  Make sure to put your name on the back of the picture(s).  Please give me high-quality pictures.  (I will likely use these pictures in future library displays, so if you aren’t comfortable with that, you may choose the other option.)

Extra Credit Option #2:

Find a book that has been banned or challenged that you have personally read.  Do a little research to find out why it was banned or challenged.  Write one paragraph answering the following questions:  Do you think this book should have been banned/challenged?  Why or why not?  Make sure to include the title and author of the book you write about.


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