Classroom Volunteers!!

Hello All!
Now that we are settled into the year… I am in need of some classroom volunteers. 

The times I need most are:
For AM kindergarten:   each morning from 8:30 – 9:30 (except Tuesday they are in library)

For PM kindergarten:  each afternoon from 12:30 – 1:30 (except Tuesday they are in library)

If these times don’t work, let me know when you are available and I would still love your help.
Thank you so much!
Mrs. Hill


Homework Oct. 2- Oct. 6

Hello All!
Here is the homework for this week!
Thank you for all your hard work at home with your students it is paying off. Keep it up! We are pushing them pretty hard on sight words! I am sending home flashcards of the required 25 sight words they need to know by end of the year. How wonderful would it be if we knew them before and could learn some additional ones?! It would be marvelous! To make 1st term benchmark they need to know 7 of these sight words (it doesn’t matter which ones they know). We are approaching end of term here in a couple of weeks (Oct. 18th)… yikes! 
We will be assessing them on the sight words (not this week) next week! Please practice the sight word flashcards being sent home this week! Thanks for doing such a wonderful job on the homework! 

On a side note… Thanks for the book orders!! Awesome!!

Please please please if you have not already filled out the google permission form for the Fire Station Field Trip…please do so! I have only received 24 of my 43 students permission forms. We go on Wed. Oct. 4 this week and I can’t let them go without your permission.

Also….PM Kindergarten I have only received 10 permission forms for the ice cream reward party for selling cookie dough. 

Thank you!
Mrs. Hill

Homework Oct. 2- 0ct. 6 

Hello All!

We started a new program that the kids are so excited about. It is a math program called IXL. You can access this program through the Quest Academy website under student links or the URL that is on their paper that was sent home. Their usernames and passwords were sent home in their folders on this same paper. You can also and are welcome to let them work on Waterford. You can access this through the Quest Academy website under student links also. Once you click on Waterford they will know what to do from there. IXL they are going to need a little more help logging on but they will get it. When they log into IXL they can choose what they want to work on …however… for now try to guide them to sections A,B,C, even D would be ok for now. We just have not touched the skills in the other sections and they may get frustrated. Thank you so much for all you do at home. It helps more than you realize.

Also… I am submitting the Scholastic book order by 3:00 on Friday Sept. 29. Thank you so much for all that have ordered. It is so much fun to be able to add to our class and listening library!!!  SMILES!!! 
Mrs. Hill

Fire Station Field Trip

We are going on a field trip! Wednesday, October 4th, we will be walking to the West Haven Fire Station. We will need about 5 volunteers, but more are welcome.
AM Kindergarten will leave the school about 8:45 and will return about 10:30. 
PM Kindergarten will leave the school about 12:45 and will return about 2:30.
We will learn all about fire safety and explore the fire station. We will also learn about the job of our local fire fighters. Please complete the permission slip by clicking the link below. You may also email your permission if that is easier. Please also email me with “fire station” in the subject line and let me know if you would like to help volunteer that day.

Fire Station Field Trip Permission Slip

Hooray! PM Kindergarten Won an Ice Cream Party!

Yep! Our PM Kindergarten class sold over 150 tubs of cookie dough! (AM kindergarten came very close but fell short to get the ice cream party.) Thank you parents for doing such an amazing job with this. We all know that it falls heavy on your shoulders to carry out fund raisers. Please know how much we appreciate you.
On Monday OR Tuesday,  October 2nd OR 3rd, (I haven’t receive that exact day yet) we will celebrate this amazing accomplishment with Ice Cream Sundaes.  Please complete the permission slip below. In the case of allergies, please email me and let me know what we can do for substitution foods so every child can participate.

PM Kindergarten Ice Cream Permission Slip

Homework Sept. 25-29

Hello All!
I have placed the homework here on the blog for you to print at home and return it in your homework folder on Friday Sept. 29. Click on Homework Sept. 25-29 below. If you have any questions on the homework please let me know. Your students are all working hard and doing well.
Please continue to practice their names and how they hold their pencil (or writing tool). 

Baggie books and flash cards are located in the baggie book page protector in the take home/homework folder. Please practice and return them each day in their folder. Please DO NOT use the baggie books as a coloring book. We reuse these books each year and would like to be able to use them as long as possible. 

Homework #2 Sept. 25-29


Homework and Scholastic Book Orders

Hello All!

First…Way to go Kindergarten! You all did awesome on the cookie dough fundraiser for Quest Academy! Well done!!

Just a reminder that homework is due tomorrow Friday September 22. Please review this weeks sight words and keep reading! Make sure you are practicing your flashcards and/or baggie books! Practice Practice Practice!! 

This months Scholastic Book Orders are due by September 28th. I will submit the order no later than September 29th. This will ensure that the orders are here well before Halloween. Thank you for your orders. Last month I was able to add to our listening library! Thank you much!!

Enjoy your day!
Mrs. Hill