WE have been practicing school and classroom procedures and expectations. WE are getting better and faster (mostly) which is very important. Following our school and classroom rules and procedures keeps your student safe, happy and our classroom run smoothly. Please visit with your student about what our school and classroom rules are. How they are doing in the process of being respectful to self, others and the school?…Are they listening to the teacher when it is learning time? Are they walking quietly down the hall keeping their eyes forward and hands to themselves? Can they tell you what the correct behaviors in the lunchroom and bathroom are? We will continue to work on all these throughout the year because as the old saying “Practice Makes Perfect.”
I have to say that our class is SSSSOOO good and sharing with each other. They are so kind and willing to help each other. I am loving this classroom trait.
YEAH!!!! We will be working on the “How To’s” of computer use and programs this coming week. I know your student will be so excited to share what he/she will be learning/doing. PLEASE check out our blog this coming week for fun school/class websites and passwords that you can access from home such as Razkids…
![Picture Day](http://qacblogs.org/megan.dunmeyer/files/2015/08/Picture-Day-300x270.jpg)
If you were unable to send a completed picture order form to school, you can still order online:
Bell Photographers
The password is questacades2015.