Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Reading Comprehension

Read the following speech, then write a 1/2 – 1 page summary of it.abolition_fanaticism_in_new_york_0 When summarizing, remember: 5W’s and H. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How!DUE TUESDAY, FEB., 3RD 🙂

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Writing Journals 1-4

DW1- The thing I love doing the most is… Because… (Use THREE unique descriptive words.)DW2- Describe your most valuable possession. DETAILS!DW3- If you were chosen to escort a visiting alien on a tour of your community, where would you take … Continue reading

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ELA Journals 1-5

1-Define freedom. What does freedom mean to you?2- Define bravery. What does it mean to be brave? Describe someone that you know who is brave, and what makes them brave.3- Explain the meaning of the quote, “Ideas are contagious.” 4- … Continue reading

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Health II News Homework

Click on the link below to access the homework.Remember, you only have to watch one program, rate it with the check list, and then discuss your emotional response to it. ch02s3mediahomework

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Appositives: Utah Compose

Go to utahcompose.comLog in: Lessons>Word Choice>AppositivesAnswer the following questions on your own paper. What is an appositive?Write rule 1 for appositives:Write an example of combining separate thoughts(exercise 1): *underline the appositiveWhat is an appositive phrase?Write an example of combining separate thoughts … Continue reading

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Spelling Lesson 6

Group AhorridstupidcrookedelectronichistoricGroup BraggedmagneticbarefooteddemographicindependentGroup CrigidcontentedcomfortablepoeticpassionateGroup Dundersizedmetallicconfederateaccomplicesensitive

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Daily Writings 16-19

DW16- Describe highlights of your winter break. What was good? Bad? Interesting?DW17-Write about something you wanted desperately when you were younger. Be descriptive.DW18- Describe a time when you made a choice you later regretted.

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ELA 1-6-15

Correct Anne Frank Comprehension Quiz and turn in.Spelling 5: Ex. 110 min timed writing: “Could something like the Holocaust happen today?”Outline Map for final paper. Must be done by class on Thursday.

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Spelling 5

Group AhydrantthermosconsentchronicfertilizeGroup BhydrogendehydratedthermometerdiametersynchronizeGroup CpreferredspeedometerreferralconsensusdestructiveGroup DsensitizeantihistaminesensibilityproclamationstructuralTEST is Friday, January 16 Exercises: 1-write words2-chunk by syllables3-word within the word4-you pick 🙂

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Utah Compose: “Home School” Essay

Go to: Then choose the CREATIVE WRITING class you are in. There will be a prompt titled “Home School” activated. Choose that prompt and then thoroughly read it. When you are ready to begin you will go to ‘organizer’ … Continue reading

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