Author Archives: felicia.kucharski

Journals 11-15

J11- Free WriteJ12- I know it’s spring when…J13- Describe your favorite spring food using: 1 metaphor, 1 simile, 1 hyperbole, 1 onomatopoeia.J14- Write about something you would like to accomplish this summer, and how you’re going to go about accomplishing … Continue reading

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Journals 11-16

HJ11- What are the 3C’s of relationships?HJ12- What are the different types of communication?HJ13- List as many body systems as you can.HJ14- How are out body systems interdependent on one another?HJ15- Write 3 questions you still have about body systems.HJ16- … Continue reading

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Play Template

Here is the Play Template

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Criteria for Column Reviews

Writing your column reviews: 1-  Summarize column(s)Start by referring to title of columnSummarize contentWhat we will find/learn/get from this column.2-  Discuss strengthsUse examples3-  Discuss weaknessesUses examples4-  ConclusionSum up overall thoughts on article                                              i.     Would you continue to read                                            ii.     Would you … Continue reading

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Journals 12-16

J12- Make a list of 10 people whom you’d want on your “team” if you were to battle against evil. For each person, write why you’d want them on your team.J13- Is knowing happiness worth having to also know sadness? … Continue reading

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Journals 5-11

J5- What are your first impressions of Charles Wallace?J6- Regarding plot: List 3 conflicts (problems) that have been introduced in the exposition of this story.J7- Describe the setting of Wrinkle.J8- Why is individuality important in order for our society to … Continue reading

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Body Systems Vocabulary

Immunization- vaccines given to prevent certain diseasesInterdependence- a state in which there are mutual, shared or reciprocal needs.Lymphocytes- a type of white blood cell.Macrophage- a type of white blood cell.Metabolism- a chemical process in the body constantly taking place that … Continue reading

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Journals 7-10

J7-Write a diamante poem about spring.J8- Write a story where spring is a negative thing and things that you usually love about it, you now detest. J9- Describe a spring setting using figurative language.J10-Write a set of 10-step directions that … Continue reading

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6 Steps of Decision Making


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Spelling 13

Group Aabruptcompleximplicateinexplicablestructural Group B6. applicable7. disrupt8. independently9. pendulum10. suspended Group C11. bankrupt12. duplicate13. instruction14. pendant15. suspense Group D16. complication17. impending18. interrupt19. destruction20. perplexing

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